See theACSet companion object
case class ACSet(schema: Schema, props: PropMap, partsMap: Map[Ob, PartSet])

A nested acset.



the PartSet object for each Ob in the schema. This is where the subacsets are stored.


the top-level properties. The values of morphisms, attributes, and generic Propertys are stored here. We don't need what in Catlab we call "subparts"; it's folded into this. For instance, if this is the subacset for an edge, then the source and target are stored here.


the schema that the acset conforms to

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def addPart(p: Part, x: Ob, init: ACSet): (ACSet, Part)

Adds a part of type x to the subacset at p with initial subacset init

Adds a part of type x to the subacset at p with initial subacset init


def addPart(p: Part, x: Ob, props: PropMap): (ACSet, Part)

Convenience overload of addPart

Convenience overload of addPart


def addPart(x: Ob, props: PropMap): (ACSet, Part)

Convenience overload of addPart

Convenience overload of addPart


def addPart(x: Ob, init: ACSet): (ACSet, Part)

Convenience overload of addPart

Convenience overload of addPart


def addPart(p: Part, x: Ob): (ACSet, Part)

Convenience overload of addPart

Convenience overload of addPart


def addPart(x: Ob): (ACSet, Part)

Convenience overload of addPart

Convenience overload of addPart


def addParts(p: Part, x: Ob, inits: Seq[ACSet]): (ACSet, Seq[Part])

Add several parts of type x to the subacset at p with initial subacsets given by inits.

Add several parts of type x to the subacset at p with initial subacsets given by inits.


def addPartsProps(p: Part, x: Ob, props: Seq[PropMap]): (ACSet, Seq[Part])

Convenience overload of addParts

Convenience overload of addParts


def addProps(newProps: PropMap): ACSet

Add the properties in newProps to the top-level properties.

Add the properties in newProps to the top-level properties.


def allProps(p: Part): Set[Property]
def hasPart(p: Part): Boolean

Check if a nested part exists in the ACSet

Check if a nested part exists in the ACSet


def hasSubpart(f: Property, i: Part): Boolean

Check if the part i has property f

Check if the part i has property f


def incident(p: Part, f: Hom): Seq[Part]

Return sequence of the parts that have property f set to p

Return sequence of the parts that have property f set to p


Move the part p to the front of its parent PartSet. See PartSet.moveFront.

Move the part p to the front of its parent PartSet. See PartSet.moveFront.


def moveToIndex(p: Part, idx: Int): ACSet

Move the part p to the front of its parent PartSet. See PartSet.moveFront.

Move the part p to the front of its parent PartSet. See PartSet.moveFront.


def parts(i: Part, x: Ob): Seq[(Part, ACSet)]

Return all of the parts of the subacset at i with type x, along with their corresponding subacsets.

Return all of the parts of the subacset at i with type x, along with their corresponding subacsets.


def partsOnly(i: Part, x: Ob): Seq[Part]

Return all of the parts of the subacset at i with type x, without subacsets

Return all of the parts of the subacset at i with type x, without subacsets


def remPart(p: Part): ACSet

Remove a part and all of the other parts that refer to it.

Remove a part and all of the other parts that refer to it.


Remove a part, but not any of the other parts that might refer to it.

Remove a part, but not any of the other parts that might refer to it.


def remParts(ps: Seq[Part]): ACSet

Remove all of the parts in ps

Remove all of the parts in ps


Unset the property f of p

Unset the property f of p


def scale(from: Complex, to: Complex, scaleProps: Seq[Property { type Value = Complex; }]): ACSet
def setSubacset(p: Part, acs: ACSet): ACSet

Set the subacset for a nested part

Set the subacset for a nested part


Set the property f of part p to v

Set the property f of part p to v


Set the property f of part p to v

Set the property f of part p to v


Get the subacset corresponding to a nested part; error if invalid

Get the subacset corresponding to a nested part; error if invalid


def subpart(f: Property, i: Part): Value

Get the value of f at the part i; errors if unset.

Get the value of f at the part i; errors if unset.


def trySubacset(p: Part): Option[ACSet]

Get the subacset corresponding to a nested part; return None if invalid

Get the subacset corresponding to a nested part; return None if invalid


def trySubpart(f: Property, i: Part): Option[Value]

Get the value of f at the part i; returns None if unset.

Get the value of f at the part i; returns None if unset.


Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from: