
case class Actions(es: EditorState, m: UndoableVar[ACSet], ui: UIState)

This class bundles the common arguments to many actions one might want to do in a binding so that you don't have to pass them in every time, and then provides a bunch of commonly used actions as methods.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def add(p: Part, ob: Ob, props: PropMap): IO[Part]

Add and return a part to the acset at p of type ob with properties props

Add and return a part to the acset at p of type ob with properties props


def add(p: Part, ob: Ob, init: ACSet): IO[Part]

Add and return a part to the acset at p of type ob with properties props

Add and return a part to the acset at p of type ob with properties props


def addAtMouse(ob: Ob, init: ACSet): IO[Part]

Add and return a part to the model with type Ob and subacset given by init, and set the Center of that new part to be the current mouse position

Add and return a part to the model with type Ob and subacset given by init, and set the Center of that new part to be the current mouse position


def addAtMouse(ob: Ob): IO[Part]

Add and return a part to the model with type Ob and Center the current mouse position.

Add and return a part to the model with type Ob and Center the current mouse position.


def addAtMouse_(ob: Ob, init: ACSet): IO[Unit]

addAtMouse without returning the part

addAtMouse without returning the part


def addAtMouse_(ob: Ob): IO[Unit]

addAtMouse without returning the part

addAtMouse without returning the part


def add_(p: Part, ob: Ob, props: PropMap | ACSet): IO[Unit]

add without returning the part

add without returning the part


def die[A]: IO[A]
def doAll[A](fs: Seq[IO[A]]): IO[Seq[A]]
def drag[Memo, Return](start: (z: Complex) => IO[Memo], during: (Memo, Complex) => Unit, after: Memo => IO[Return])(s: Part): IO[Return]

A generalized drag action

A generalized drag action

At the beginning, compute a value memo of type Memo from the mouse position.

While the drag is happening, execute during with memo and the mouse position of the drag.

Finally, call after with memo to get the return value.

If the drag is canceled, this resets the state.


  • It seems like we do not use the parameter s anywhere; we may want to remove it
  • during executes for side-effects, which could be anything! But we are assuming that all it does is change m. We should express this explicitly by having during return a function ACSet => ACset, and then hook that into modifying m.
  • Is drag the best name for this?
def dragEdge[WType](ob: Ob, src: Hom, tgt: Hom, lift: (Part, Complex) => Seq[(Ob, Int)], eqTypes: (Part, Part) => IO[Unit])(s: Part): IO[Part]

Drag to construct an edge between two parts

Drag to construct an edge between two parts

Returns the part corresponding to the edge that was constructed.



Optional action when attaching src and tgt (e.g., equating port and wire types)


Optionally create/move a part (e.g., new port on a box) based on the initiating part s and the mouse location


The type of the new edge


The part initiating the drag action


The source mapping for the edge type


The target mapping for the edge type

def dragMove(i: Part): IO[Unit]

Drag to move a part around

Drag to move a part around


def edit(p: Property { type Value = String; }, multiline: Boolean)(i: Part): IO[Unit]

Edit the content of the part i, using popup text box

Edit the content of the part i, using popup text box


def exportTikz(obs: Seq[Ob], hide: Seq[Ob]): IO[Unit]

Bring up a textbox that can be used to export a tikz serialization

Bring up a textbox that can be used to export a tikz serialization


def importExport: IO[Unit]

Bring up a textbox that can be used for copy/pasting the serialized version of the current state

Bring up a textbox that can be used for copy/pasting the serialized version of the current state


def liftTo(p: Part, ext: Seq[(Ob, Int)]): IO[Part]
def remove(p: Part, f: Property): IO[Unit]

Unset the value of the property f of the part p

Unset the value of the property f of the part p


def remove(p: Part): IO[Unit]

Remove the part p

Remove the part p


def set(p: Part, f: Property, v: Value, check: Boolean): IO[Unit]

Set the value of the property f at the part p to be v

Set the value of the property f at the part p to be v


def tryBBox(b: Part): Option[BoundingBox]

Try to get the bounding box of b as it is currently displayed on the screen

Try to get the bounding box of b as it is currently displayed on the screen


def unplug(p: Part, w: Part, src: Hom, tgt: Hom, lift: (Part, Complex) => Seq[(Ob, Int)], eqTypes: (Part, Part) => IO[Unit]): IO[Part]

Like dragEdge, but begins by removing an existing port assignment.

Like dragEdge, but begins by removing an existing port assignment.


def zoomIn(b: Part, layout: (sz: Complex, acset: ACSet) => ACSet, esources: EditorState => Seq[EntitySource[ACSet]]): IO[EntitySourceViewport[ACSet]]

Display the internal ACSet of b in the main viewport.

Display the internal ACSet of b in the main viewport.

First layout the ACSet, then use esources sprites to produce the svg


def zoomOut(layout: (sz: Complex, acset: ACSet) => ACSet, esources: EditorState => Seq[EntitySource[ACSet]]): IO[EntitySourceViewport[ACSet]]

Display the internal ACSet that the current view is contained in.

Display the internal ACSet that the current view is contained in.


Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val debug: IO[Unit]
val del: IO[Unit]

Remove the part currently hovered

Remove the part currently hovered
