
class EditorState(val elt: SvgElement, dispatcher: Dispatcher[IO], val eventQueue: Queue[IO, Event])

This is the main state for Semagrams.

Even though we call this "state", notice that everything here is actually immutable. The state itself is all stored in Laminar stuff, like Vars and EventBuses.

We pass in dispatcher and eventQueue because this constructor can't run in IO, and thus can't make them itself. It can however use the dispatcher to attach the EventBus of events to the queue.



An IO dispatcher, used to bind the EventBus of events to eventQueue.


The main svg element of the semagram.


A queue to use for events. We might also throw things into this queue for testing purposes.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Type members


The viewports used in the editor

The viewports used in the editor


trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Get the current background part

Get the current background part


def bgPlus(p: Part): Part

Extend the current background part by p

Extend the current background part by p


def bind[A](bindings: Seq[Binding[A]]): IO[Option[A]]

Same thing as bindNoCatch, except it handles any errors and returns None when there is one.

Same thing as bindNoCatch, except it handles any errors and returns None when there is one.


def bindForever[A](bindings: Seq[Binding[A]]): IO[Nothing]

Run the bindings forever, ignoring any errors

Run the bindings forever, ignoring any errors


def bindNoCatch[A](bindings: Seq[Binding[A]]): IO[A]

Get the next event that matches one of the bindings, and then execute the action that is associated to it.

Get the next event that matches one of the bindings, and then execute the action that is associated to it.


def bindUntilFail[A](bindings: Seq[Binding[A]]): IO[Unit]

Run the bindings repeatedly until there is an error, and then stop

Run the bindings repeatedly until there is an error, and then stop


def deregister(vname: ViewportID): Unit

Deregister a viewport, which has the side effect of removing its main element from elt

Deregister a viewport, which has the side effect of removing its main element from elt


Deprecated in favor of size

Deprecated in favor of size


def hovered: IO[Option[Entity]]

An IO action that when run, returns the current hovered entity

An IO action that when run, returns the current hovered entity


def hoveredEntity(ty: EntityType): IO[Option[Entity]]

An IO action that filters hovered for entities of a certain type.

An IO action that filters hovered for entities of a certain type.


def hoveredPart: IO[Option[Part]]

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts and converts None the background part (e.g., ROOT)

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts and converts None the background part (e.g., ROOT)


def hoveredPart(ty: PartType): IO[Option[Part]]

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts of a certain type.

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts of a certain type.


def hoveredPart(tys: Seq[PartType]): IO[Option[Part]]

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts that are one of several types.

An IO action that filters hovered for just Parts that are one of several types.


def makeMenu(ui: UIState, entries: Seq[(String, Part => IO[Unit])])(i: Part): IO[Unit]

Constructs a menu at the current mouse position indexed by part i

Constructs a menu at the current mouse position indexed by part i


def makeUI(): IO[UIState]

Make a new UIState object and register its viewport

Make a new UIState object and register its viewport


def makeViewport[A](vpname: ViewportID, state: Signal[A], sources: Seq[EntitySource[A]]): IO[EntitySourceViewport[A]]

Construct a new viewport

Construct a new viewport



the viewport has entities extracted using these EntitySources


the viewport is a view on this signal

def mousePos: IO[Complex]

An IO action that when run, returns the current mouse position

An IO action that when run, returns the current mouse position


def register(vpname: ViewportID, v: Viewport): SvgElement

Register a viewport.

Register a viewport.

This adds the viewport to viewports, which has the side-effect of attaching its main element to this.elt while the viewport is still in viewports


Concrete fields

all of the controllers

all of the controllers


val currentView: Var[Part]

The current part shown in the viewport. Used for nested diagrams (zooming).

The current part shown in the viewport. Used for nested diagrams (zooming).


val elt: SvgElement

All the entities in all of the viewports, and their associated sprites.

All the entities in all of the viewports, and their associated sprites.


val eventQueue: Queue[IO, Event]
val events: EventBus[Event]

The main event bus for Semagrams.

The main event bus for Semagrams.


val size: Var[Complex]

The current size of the main element. Kept in sync by another line later.

The current size of the main element. Kept in sync by another line later.


val viewports: Var[Map[ViewportID, Viewport]]

The viewports in current use

The viewports in current use
