Lotka-Volterra Model

using AlgebraicPetri

using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots

using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using Catlab.WiringDiagrams
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
using Catlab.Programs.RelationalPrograms

display_uwd(ex) = to_graphviz(ex, box_labels=:name, junction_labels=:variable, edge_attrs=Dict(:len=>".75"));


In this tutorial we use the Lotka-Volterra model, a classic mathematical model from ecology, to demonstrate basic concepts of compositional model building using AlgebraicPetri.

Step 1: Define the building block Petri nets needed to construct the model.

These are the basic Petri nets which will be substituted as concrete models in the compositional syntax. There are three processes which we need to represent explicitly: birth, predation, and death. Because these models will be composed, we use Open to generate an open Petri net. When given only a single argument, Open generates a structured multicospan, which is an object containing the original Petri net $S$ (accessed by apex), a list of finite sets $A_{1},\dots,A_{n}$ (accessed by feet), and morphisms $A_{1}\to S,\dots,A_{n}\to S$ (accessed by legs). The feet are where the Petri net may interact with other systems, justifying the term "open" Petri nets.

The basic Petri nets are generated and the apex of each open Petri net is displayed.

birth_petri = Open(PetriNet(1, 1=>(1,1)));
predation_petri = Open(PetriNet(2, (1,2)=>(2,2)));
death_petri = Open(PetriNet(1, 1=>()));

Step 2: Specify interaction between submodels using a relational syntax

To stitch independent open Petri nets together into a combined model, we need to specify an interaction pattern (composition syntax). This is specified as an undirected wiring diagram (UWD) using the @relation macro from Catlab.jl, please see the documentation there for more information.

The UWD produced here consists of 3 "boxes" and 2 "junctions". Boxes connect to junctions via wires based on the function-like syntax in the macro. Wires that lead off the display are "outer ports" indicating how output may be collected from the combined system.

We use oapply to substitute the open Petri nets constructed earlier into each box of the UWD, where the feet of each open Petri net are identified with the wires from each box to shared junctions. The result of oapply is, once again, a multicospan, where the legs now give the map between outer ports of the composed model to places.

lotka_volterra = @relation (wolves, rabbits) begin
  predation(rabbits, wolves)
lv_dict = Dict(:birth=>birth_petri, :predation=>predation_petri, :death=>death_petri);
lotka_petri = apex(oapply(lotka_volterra, lv_dict))

We can now define an initial state u0, reaction rate constants for each transition p, and use the method vectorfield to create a function we can pass to a differential equation solver to simulate and plot a trajectory of our composed Lotka-Volterra model.

u0 = [100, 10];
p = [.3, .015, .7];
prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(lotka_petri),u0,(0.0,100.0),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(),abstol=1e-8);
plot(sol, labels=["Rabbits" "Wolves"])
Example block output

Step 3: Extend your model to handle more complex phenomena

By making a larger UWD to describe, we can describe a small food chain between little fish, big fish, and sharks.

dual_lv = @relation (fish, Fish, Shark) begin
  predation(fish, Fish)
  predation(Fish, Shark)
dual_lv_petri = apex(oapply(dual_lv, lv_dict))

Generate a new solver, provide parameters, and analyze results

u0 = [100, 10, 2];
p = [.3, .015, .7, .017, .35];
prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(dual_lv_petri),u0,(0.0,100.0),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(),abstol=1e-6);
plot(sol, label=["Little fish" "Big fish" "Sharks"])
Example block output

However, at this point it is natural to be concerned about the scalability of needing to define the UWD for larger models; is there a way to compose UWDs themselves to get a larger UWD? As you may have guessed, the answer is yes. Let's see how.

Let's say we want to include another predator of rabbits into the model, hawks. Hawks will behave like flying wolves in this setup, but they don't need to.

lotka_volterra_hawk = @relation (hawks, rabbits) begin
  predation(rabbits, hawks)

We would like to "glue" the two UWDs describing terrestrial and aerial predation together along the rabbits junction and birth box. We cannot simply take a disjoint union of the two UWDs (coproduct) as then we would be modelling two disconnected systems. Instead we need to perform a categorical operation called a "pushout", which is like a disjoint union but where certain elements are glued together.

We specify this overlap between the two systems where we will glue them together below.

rabbit_uwd = @relation (rabbits,) begin

Next we need to define mappings from this overlap into each of the UWDs we want to glue together. We use the ACSetTransformation method from Catlab for this, which defines a natural transformation between two C-Sets. The result is a "span", where the apex is the overlap, and the acset transformations are arrows from the apex into each of the original UWDs. We take the pushout of the span to glue the UWDs together along the apex.

hawk_transform  = ACSetTransformation((Box=[1], Junction=[2], Port=[1], OuterPort=[2]), rabbit_uwd, lotka_volterra_hawk)
wolf_transform = ACSetTransformation((Box=[1], Junction=[2], Port=[1], OuterPort=[2]), rabbit_uwd, lotka_volterra)
lotka_volterra_composed = ob(pushout(hawk_transform, wolf_transform))


Now that we have the composition syntax for the combined terrestrial-aerial predation system, we can substitute concrete mathematical models (open Petri nets) into each box as before to produce a concrete model of the composed system.

lotka_petri = apex(oapply(lotka_volterra_composed, lv_dict))

We may now again interpret the model as a differential equation, solve, and plot the solution.

u0 = [10.0, 100.0, 50.0];
p = [.3, .015, .7, 0.01, 0.5];
prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(lotka_petri),u0,(0.0,100.0),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5());
plot(sol, label=["Rabbits" "Wolves" "Hawks"])
Example block output