Stratification of Epidemiological Models

using AlgebraicPetri, AlgebraicPetri.TypedPetri
using Catlab
using DisplayAs, Markdown

display_uwd(ex) = to_graphviz(ex, box_labels=:name, junction_labels=:variable, edge_attrs=Dict(:len=>".75"));

This tutorial describes typed Petri nets and model stratification. Model stratification is the process by which a submodel is replicated along some axis and the submodels are allowed to interact in some specified way (e.g.; age-structured models). Specifically, methods from the section "Type systems for open Petri nets" of [Libkind 2022] are presented, which should be consulted for more information.

Typed Petri nets

An important part of model stratification is making sure that when combining e.g.; a mode of ageing and a model of disease transmission, that spurious or erroneous states or transitions are not generated (for example, simultaneously ageing and becoming infected). Category theory provides a way to specify formal stratification schemes that will respect domain knowledge via a type system for Petri nets. A typed Petri net is a morphism (generalized function) from a Petri net to another, where the codomain Petri net represents the type system under consideration, given as $\phi: P \to P_{type}$. The morphism does not need to be injective, that is, multiple places can be mapped to the same place (likewise for transitions, etc).

We denote the Petri net that defines a type system as $P_{type}$. Let's consider a very simple type system that will nonetheless be very useful for a class of models of directly transmitted diseases, called $P_{infectious}$. There is a single type of place (population) and three types of transitions. Infectious transitions require two inputs and produce two outputs. Disease transitions are those that move a single individual amongst disease classes (e.g.; from $E$ to $I$). Strata transitions are those that move an individual amongst classes of the stratifying variable (e.g.; between age classes). Because all transitions in the generated (stratified Petri nets) must have a map into $P_{infectious}$, we already see that spurious transitions like our example earlier are excluded.

const infectious_ontology = LabelledPetriNet(
  :infect => ((:Pop, :Pop) => (:Pop, :Pop)),
  :disease => (:Pop => :Pop),
  :strata => (:Pop => :Pop)


Now that we have $P_{infectious}$, we define a SIRD model with that type system We start by defining an undirected wiring diagram (UWD) which represents the processes and states in the SIRD model; note that the name of each box corresponds to one of the transitions in $P_{infectious}$, and that we specify the types of the junctions as Pop in the where clause.

Next we use oapply_typed which produces a typed Petri net by composing transitions based on $P_{infectious}$. The first two arguments are the type Petri net and UWD, and the vector of symbols gives the names of the transitions in the new typed Petri net. We then add reflexive transitions typed as :strata to indicate which states can be stratified Here we add reflexive transitions to the susceptible, infected, and recovered populations but we leave out the dead population as no individuals entering that compartment may leave.

Calling to_graphviz on the resulting object will display $\phi : P \to P_{infectious}$. We could apply dom (domain) or codom (codomain) on the object to extract $P$ or $P_{infectious}$, respectively.

sird_uwd = @relation (S,I,R,D) where (S::Pop, I::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
  infect(S, I, I, I)
  disease(I, R)
  disease(I, D)

sird_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, sird_uwd, [:infection, :recovery, :death])
sird_model = add_reflexives(sird_model, [[:strata], [:strata], [:strata], []], infectious_ontology)

Example block output

Define intervention models

Masking model

Let's say we want to stratify the populations in the SIRD model by masking or non-masking; or, generally by any reversible behavioral change. To generate our stratification scheme, we begin with a UWD describing the strata levels we are interested in (Masked and UnMasked), and the transitions possible in each level. Note that we give transitions of type strata which allow masking or unmasking. Unmasked individuals may transmit disease to either masked or unmasked individuals, but masked persons cannot transmit disease.

We again use oapply_typed to generate the stratification scheme $\phi^{'}:P^{'}\to P_{infectious}$, adding reflexive disease transitions to the typed Petri net as changes in disease status may occur in either stratum.

masking_uwd = @relation (M,UM) where (M::Pop, UM::Pop) begin
  strata(M, UM)
  strata(UM, M)
  infect(M, UM, M, UM)
  infect(UM, UM, UM, UM)
mask_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, masking_uwd, [:unmask, :mask, :infect_um, :infect_uu])
mask_model = add_reflexives(mask_model, [[:disease], [:disease]], infectious_ontology)

Example block output

To generate the stratified SIRD model, we use typed_product. As described in [Libkind 2022], stratification of a model can be seen as a pullback of $\phi$ and $\phi^{'}$, or as a product in the slice category $Petri/P_{type}$.

typed_product(sird_model, mask_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Example block output

Vaccine model

By changing $P^{'}$ slightly, we can generate a stratification scheme to model vaccination. In this case, the transition between strata is irreversible (non-leaky vaccine), infection may occur between any pair of individuals (imperfect protection), and change in disease state may occur in any strata.

vax_uwd = @relation (UV,V) where (UV::Pop, V::Pop) begin
  strata(UV, V)
  infect(V, V, V, V)
  infect(V, UV, V, UV)
  infect(UV, V, UV, V)
  infect(UV, UV, UV, UV)
vax_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, vax_uwd, [:vax, :infect_vv, :infect_uv, :infect_vu, :infect_uu])
vax_model = add_reflexives(vax_model, [[:disease], [:disease]], infectious_ontology)

Example block output

Once again, the typed product, or pullback gives the SIRD model stratified by vaccination.

typed_product(sird_model, vax_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Example block output

Mask-Vax Model

By using a more complicated UWD, we can have a model that combines masking and vaccination.

mask_vax_uwd = @relation (UV_UM,UV_M,V_UM,V_M) where (UV_UM::Pop, UV_M::Pop, V_UM::Pop, V_M::Pop) begin
  strata(UV_UM, UV_M)
  strata(UV_M, UV_UM)
  strata(V_UM, V_M)
  strata(V_M, V_UM)
  strata(UV_UM, V_UM)
  strata(UV_M, V_M)
  infect(V_UM, V_UM, V_UM, V_UM)
  infect(V_UM, UV_UM, V_UM, UV_UM)
  infect(UV_UM, V_UM, UV_UM, V_UM)
  infect(UV_UM, UV_UM, UV_UM, UV_UM)
  infect(V_M, V_UM, V_M, V_UM)
  infect(V_M, UV_UM, V_M, UV_UM)
  infect(UV_M, V_UM, UV_M, V_UM)
  infect(UV_M, UV_UM, UV_M, UV_UM)
mask_vax_model = oapply_typed(
  [:mask_uv, :unmask_uv, :mask_v, :unmask_v, :vax_um, :vax_m, :infect_um_vv, :infect_um_uv, :infect_um_vu, :infect_um_uu, :infect_m_vv, :infect_m_uv, :infect_m_vu, :infect_m_uu]
mask_vax_model = add_reflexives(mask_vax_model, [[:disease], [:disease], [:disease], [:disease]], infectious_ontology)

Example block output

Stratify our SIRD model on this mask + vaccine model to get a model of SIRD with a vaccination rate and masking policies:

typed_product(sird_model, mask_vax_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Example block output

Define geographic models

Flux model between $N$ regions

In many cases, it is not practical to construct by hand the composition diagram used to build a complex typed Petri net. Here we demonstrate how to use the imperative interface provided by Catlab to construct a UWD describing a model of a population spread out amongst $N$ regions. Individuals can travel between regions, but disease transmission is only possible between individuals in the same region. This is known as a flux model because individuals have the same behavior, so that the model can correctly simulate net "flux" of individuals between regions but not specific travel patterns.

function travel_model(n)
  uwd = RelationDiagram(repeat([:Pop], n))
  junctions = Dict(begin
    variable = Symbol("Region$(i)")
    junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
    set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
    variable => junction
  end for (i, port) in enumerate(ports(uwd, outer=true)))

  pairs = filter(x -> first(x) != last(x), collect(Iterators.product(keys(junctions), keys(junctions))))
  for pair in pairs
    box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:strata)
    for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
      set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])

  act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("$(a)_$(b)") for (a, b) in pairs])
  add_reflexives(act, repeat([[:infect, :disease]], n), infectious_ontology)


Stratify our SIRD model on this travel model with two regions:

typed_product(sird_model, travel_model(2)) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Example block output

Simple Trip model between $N$ regions

As explored in [Citron 2021], the flux model is not sufficient when individuals travel behavior differs by their home region. A simple extension is the "simple trip model". We build this model in two parts. First we develop a "living model" which classifies populations according to what place their home is. The function pairwise_id_typed_petri is used to generate the "infection" transitions between each pair of populations. Reflexive transitions are added for strata and disease state transitions.

function living_model(n)
  typed_living = pairwise_id_typed_petri(infectious_ontology, :Pop, :infect, [Symbol("Living$(i)") for i in 1:n])
  add_reflexives(typed_living, repeat([[:disease, :strata]], n), infectious_ontology)

Example block output

Taking the typed product with the previous travel model will now stratify that model by living status.

simple_trip_model = typed_product(travel_model(2), living_model(2))
Example block output

Stratify our SIRD model on this simple trip model between two regions:

typed_product(sird_model, simple_trip_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Example block output

Model stratification and performance

Here we investigate performance of stratified models. We first set up a simple helper function to connect the undirected wiring diagrams to our infectious disease type system and add the necessary reflexive transitions for stratification.

function oapply_mira_model(uwd)
  model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("t$(n)") for n in 1:nboxes(uwd)])
  add_reflexives(model, [repeat([[:strata]], njunctions(uwd)-3)..., [], [:strata],[]], infectious_ontology)
oapply_mira_model (generic function with 1 method)



m1_model = (@relation (S,I,D,A,R,T,H,E) where (S::Pop, I::Pop, D::Pop, A::Pop, R::Pop, T::Pop, H::Pop, E::Pop) begin
  infect(S, D, I, D)
  infect(S, A, I, A)
  infect(S, R, I, R)
  infect(S, I, I, I)
  disease(I, D)
  disease(I, A)
  disease(I, H)
  disease(D, R)
  disease(D, H)
  disease(A, R)
  disease(A, H)
  disease(A, T)
  disease(R, T)
  disease(R, H)
  disease(T, E)
  disease(T, H)
end) |> oapply_mira_model

Example block output



m2_model = (@relation (S,E,I,A,H,R,D) where (S::Pop, E::Pop, I::Pop, A::Pop, H::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
  infect(S, I, E, I)
  infect(S, A, E, A)
  infect(S, H, E, H)
  disease(E, I)
  disease(E, A)
  disease(I, H)
  disease(I, R)
  disease(I, D)
  disease(A, R)
  disease(A, D)
  disease(H, D)
  disease(H, R)
end) |> oapply_mira_model

Example block output



m3_model = (@relation (S,E,Iu,Ir,Q,R,D) where (S::Pop, E::Pop, Iu::Pop, Ir::Pop, Q::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
  infect(S, Ir, E, Ir)
  infect(S, Iu, E, Iu)
  infect(S, Ir, Q, Ir)
  infect(S, Iu, Q, Iu)
  disease(Q, Ir)
  disease(E, Ir)
  disease(E, Iu)
  disease(Ir, R)
  disease(Iu, R)
  disease(Q, S)
  disease(Ir, D)
end) |> oapply_mira_model

Example block output

Enumerating stratified models

Next we can take all of our epidemiology, intervention, and geography models and easily enumerate and calculate the models for every possible stratification combination and investigate the resulting models with some set number of regions for the geographic stratification models.

num_rgns = 5
disease_models = [("SIRD", sird_model), ("SIDARTHE", m1_model), ("SEIAHRD", m2_model), ("SEIuIrQRD", m3_model)]
policy_models = [nothing, ("Vaccination", vax_model), ("Masking", mask_model), ("Masking + Vaccination", mask_vax_model)]
travel_models = [nothing, ("Travel", travel_model(num_rgns)), ("Simple Trip", typed_product(travel_model(num_rgns), living_model(num_rgns)))]

table = ["| Model | Intervention | Geography ($(num_rgns) regions) | # of States | # of Transitions |","|:--|$(repeat(":-:|", 4))"]

for pieces in Iterators.product(disease_models, policy_models, travel_models)
  petri = typed_product(last.(collect(filter(x -> !isnothing(x), pieces)))) |> dom
  push!(table, "|$(join([isnothing(piece) ? "N/A" : first(piece) for piece in pieces],"|"))|$(ns(petri))|$(nt(petri))|")

Markdown.parse(join(table, "\n")) |> DisplayAs.HTML
ModelInterventionGeography (5 regions)# of States# of Transitions
SIRDMasking + VaccinationN/A1634
SIDARTHEMasking + VaccinationN/A32116
SEIAHRDMasking + VaccinationN/A2890
SEIuIrQRDMasking + VaccinationN/A2890
SIRDMasking + VaccinationTravel80440
SIDARTHEMasking + VaccinationTravel1601120
SEIAHRDMasking + VaccinationTravel140900
SEIuIrQRDMasking + VaccinationTravel140900
SIRDN/ASimple Trip100475
SIDARTHEN/ASimple Trip2001400
SEIAHRDN/ASimple Trip1751100
SEIuIrQRDN/ASimple Trip1751175
SIRDVaccinationSimple Trip200900
SIDARTHEVaccinationSimple Trip4003200
SEIAHRDVaccinationSimple Trip3502450
SEIuIrQRDVaccinationSimple Trip3502850
SIRDMaskingSimple Trip200950
SIDARTHEMaskingSimple Trip4002800
SEIAHRDMaskingSimple Trip3502200
SEIuIrQRDMaskingSimple Trip3502350
SIRDMasking + VaccinationSimple Trip4003000
SIDARTHEMasking + VaccinationSimple Trip8008800
SEIAHRDMasking + VaccinationSimple Trip7006900
SEIuIrQRDMasking + VaccinationSimple Trip7007700


As we increase the number of regions in our geographic stratification models, the number of states and transitions increase polynomially which causes the execution time for calculating the final stratified model to also increase polynomially.

Runtime vs. Number of Georgraphic Regions