Composition of Epidemiological Models

using AlgebraicPetri
using AlgebraicPetri.Epidemiology

using LabelledArrays
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots

using Catlab

display_uwd(ex) = to_graphviz(ex, box_labels=:name, junction_labels=:variable, edge_attrs=Dict(:len=>".75"));

In this tutorial we introduce the basic concepts of modeling with open Petri nets (PN). Specifically, methods from the section "Compositional methods of model specification" of [Libkind 2022] are presented, which should be consulted for more information.

Petri nets

Petri nets are a mathematical language to describe state transition systems which can effectively represent complex relationships between processes, such as parallelism, concurrency, dependency, and conflict. Originally developed for the design of digital systems, their extremely general formulation has made them useful for modeling in chemistry, biology, ecology, and epidemiology, among other domains. For more information, see the Wikipedia article.

The type of Petri nets used in AlgebraicPetri are whole-grain Petri nets introduced by [Kock 2020]. Briefly, these Petri nets can be described by the following schema, where $S$ is the set of places or species, $T$ is the set of transitions, and $I$ and $O$ are the sets of input (transition to place) and output (place to transition) arcs. For a concrete instance of a Petri net, the labeled boxes in the diagram become sets, and arrows become functions, and such a data instance on a schema is known as a C-Set (or acset, for Attributed C-Set); please see Catlab.jl for more details.


SIS Model

The susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) model is one of the simplest models of mathematical epidemiology. Nonetheless it is a useful starting point to understand how to use PNs to express and build more complex epidemiological models.

We first show how to build the SIS model directly. We use the LabelledPetriNet type which is an elaboration of the schema shown above which allows us to attach names to the places and transitions, for enhanced readability. The first argument gives the list of place names. Remaining arguments specify transitions. The first element of the pair type is the name of the transition. The second element is another pair whose first element gives the names of input species and second element is the names of output species. The to_graphviz method from Catlab displays the Petri net.

si = LabelledPetriNet([:S, :I], :inf=>((:S,:I)=>(:I,:I)), :rec=>:I=>:S)

Now we demonstrate how to use the category of open Petri nets to build the SIS model compositionally. While the additional complexity is superfluous for the SIS system, it is the simplest non-trivial system which demonstrates the concepts.

An open Petri net is a Petri net where certain places are "exposed" as gluing points that can be joined with other systems, supporting a compositional style of modeling where a complex system can be broken down into interactions of more basic systems. Open Petri nets are a type of object called a "structured multicospan", which is an object containing the original Petri net $S$ ("apex"), a list of finite sets $A_{1},\dots,A_{n}$ ("feet"), and functions $A_{1}\to S,\dots,A_{n}\to S$ ("legs"). The legs specify the places in the apex Petri net where it may be joined to other systems.

To generate the SIS model compositionally, we first make two open Petri nets, one containing the infection transition and the other containing the recovery transition. We can use the helper methods exposure_petri and spontaneous_petri from the Epidemiology module of AlgebraicPetri to quickly generate the open labelled Petri nets.

si_inf = exposure_petri(:S, :I, :I, :inf);
si_rec = spontaneous_petri(:I, :S, :rec);

The resulting objects are structured multicospans, and by default, each place is exposed as a leg. Because each of these elementary Petri nets has only two distinct places, there are two legs. We can view the map into the apex from the first leg using Catlab's graphviz functionality:


Now we must specify a composition syntax describing how to glue together the open Petri nets to generate the composed system. Specifically, composition is described using an undirected wiring diagram (UWD), a graphical language for describing relations between objects. We can specify the UWD for the SIS system using the @relation macro from Catlab; the function-like syntax in the body are "boxes" and variables are "junctions". Generally, boxes represent processes which may consume or produce resources represented as junctions.

To compose the open Petri nets, each box in the UWD will correspond to an open PN whose feet attach to the junctions that box is connected to. The composite PN is then constructed by gluing the component PNs along at the shared junctions (places).

si_uwd = @relation (s,i) begin


To produce the composite Petri net from our building blocks, the oapply method from Catlab performs the gluing. We provide the UWD as first argument and a dictionary mapping box names to open Petri nets as the second, and view the result.

si = oapply(si_uwd, Dict(:infection=>si_inf, :recovery=>si_rec))


SIR Model

The susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model is another basic model of mathematical epidemiology.

sir = @relation (s,i,r) begin

To generate the SIR model as a Petri net, we use the helper function oapply_epi from the Epidemiology module of AlgebraicPetri, which has some definitions of common "atomic" Petri nets from epidemiological models. For more details, please see the documentation for that method.

p_sir = apex(oapply_epi(sir))

Labelled vectors are used to create the initial state and reaction rate parameters for each transition.

u0 = LVector(S=10, I=1, R=0);
p = LVector(inf=0.4, rec=0.4);

The vectorfield method interprets the PN as describing mass-action kinetics with a rate constant associated to each transition, which can be used to simulate ODEs associated to the PN.

prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(p_sir),u0,(0.0,7.5),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5())

plot(sol, labels=["S" "I" "R"])
Example block output

SEIR Model

For the susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) model, we again define a UWD to describe composition syntax.

seir = @relation (s,e,i,r) begin
p_seir = apex(oapply_epi(seir))

Define initial states and transition rates, then create, solve, and visualize ODE problem:

u0 = LVector(S=10, E=1, I=0, R=0);
p = LVector(exp=.9, ill=.2, rec=.5);

prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(p_seir),u0,(0.0,15.0),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5())

plot(sol, labels=["S" "E" "I" "R"])
Example block output


We can add a deceased component and a death process to the SEIR model, specified with an undirected wiring diagram.

seird = @relation (s,e,i,r,d) begin
p_seird = apex(oapply_epi(seird))

Define initial states and transition rates, then create, solve, and visualize ODE problem:

u0 = LVector(S=10, E=1, I=0, R=0, D=0);
p = LVector(exp=0.9, ill=0.2, rec=0.5, death=0.1);

prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(p_seird),u0,(0.0,15.0),p);
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5())

plot(sol, labels=["S" "E" "I" "R" "D"])
Example block output