using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using Decapodes
using DiagrammaticEquations, DiagrammaticEquations.Deca
using Distributions
using MLStyle
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
using ComponentArrays
using CairoMakie
using GeometryBasics: Point2, Point3
Point2D = Point2{Float64}
Point3D = Point3{Float64}
GeometryBasics.Point{3, Float64}

Load in our Decapodes models

using Decapodes.Canon.Oncology

Let's examine our models. Here's the tumor invasion model with the logistic and Gompertz growth models.

@doc invasion



Eq. 35 from Yi et al. A Review of Mathematical Models for Tumor Dynamics and Treatment Resistance Evolution of Solid Tumors


(C, fC)::Form0
(Dif, Kd, Cmax)::Constant
∂ₜ(C) == (Dif * Δ(C) + fC) - Kd * C
@doc logistic



Eq. 5 from Yi et al. A Review of Mathematical Models for Tumor Dynamics and Treatment Resistance Evolution of Solid Tumors


(C, fC)::Form0
fC == C * (1 - C / Cmax)
@doc gompertz



Eq. 6 from Yi et al. A Review of Mathematical Models for Tumor Dynamics and Treatment Resistance Evolution of Solid Tumors


(C, fC)::Form0
fC == C * ln(Cmax / C)

Load in a mesh and a plotting function

function show_heatmap(Cdata)
  heatmap(reshape(Cdata, (floor(Int64, sqrt(length(Cdata))), floor(Int64, sqrt(length(Cdata))))))

mesh = triangulated_grid(50,50,0.2,0.2,Point2D);
dualmesh = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, Float64, Point2D}(mesh);
subdivide_duals!(dualmesh, Circumcenter());

Let's define initial conditions

constants_and_parameters = (invasion_Dif = 0.005, invasion_Kd = 0.5, Cmax = 10)
(invasion_Dif = 0.005, invasion_Kd = 0.5, Cmax = 10)

Here we follow the assumption "The model ... considers an equivalent radially symmetric tumour", Murray J.D., Glioblastoma brain tumours, by initializing the tumor with a normal distribution.

c_dist  = MvNormal([25, 25], 2)
C = 100 * [pdf(c_dist, [p[1], p[2]]) for p in dualmesh[:point]]
u₀ = ComponentArray(C=C)
ComponentVector{Float64}(C = [5.511214862387883e-68, 1.9092775400857783e-67, 6.548851755254674e-67, 2.2240043394148634e-66, 7.477914169088552e-66, 2.4894287267884957e-65, 8.205277862067283e-65, 2.6776959591999733e-64, 8.65174297332636e-64, 2.76770838562399e-63  …  4.931812766956773e-63, 1.5493611873482188e-63, 4.8191799040821854e-64, 1.484116457322235e-64, 4.52519394953736e-65, 1.3660946469233806e-65, 4.0831821701849867e-66, 1.2083454136756992e-66, 3.5404446954827926e-67, 1.0270673098994496e-67])

Let's define how our Proliferation-Invasion models will relate to one another.

proliferation_invasion_composition_diagram = @relation () begin
  proliferation(C, fC, Cmax)
  invasion(C, fC, Cmax)
Catlab.Programs.RelationalPrograms.UntypedUnnamedRelationDiagram{Symbol, Symbol} {Box:2, Port:6, OuterPort:0, Junction:3, Name:0, VarName:0}
Box name
1 proliferation
2 invasion
Port box junction
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 1
5 2 2
6 2 3
Junction variable
1 C
2 fC
3 Cmax

Now let's specify which sub-models slot into our system. We use the same pattern for two different models: the first model pertains to a logistic growth model,

logistic_proliferation_invasion_cospan = oapply(proliferation_invasion_composition_diagram,
  [Open(logistic, [:C, :fC, :Cmax]),
   Open(invasion, [:C, :fC, :Cmax])])
logistic_proliferation_invasion = apex(logistic_proliferation_invasion_cospan)
DiagrammaticEquations.decapodeacset.SummationDecapode{Any, Any, Symbol} {Var:13, TVar:1, Op1:2, Op2:6, Σ:1, Summand:2, Type:0, Operator:0, Name:0}
Var type name
1 Form0 C
2 Form0 fC
3 Constant Cmax
4 infer proliferation_•1
5 infer proliferation_•2
6 Literal 1
7 Constant invasion_Dif
8 Constant invasion_Kd
9 infer invasion_Ċ
10 infer invasion_•2
11 infer invasion_•3
12 infer invasion_•4
13 infer invasion_sum_1
TVar incl
1 9
Op1 src tgt op1
1 1 9 ∂ₜ
2 1 12 Δ
Op2 proj1 proj2 res op2
1 1 3 4 /
2 6 4 5 -
3 1 5 2 *
4 7 12 11 *
5 8 1 10 *
6 13 10 9 -
Σ sum
1 13
Summand summand summation
1 11 1
2 2 1

The second model uses the same composition pattern but swaps out the logistic growth mode for a Gompertz growth model.

gompertz_proliferation_invasion_cospan = oapply(proliferation_invasion_composition_diagram,
  [Open(gompertz, [:C, :fC, :Cmax]),
   Open(invasion, [:C, :fC, :Cmax])])
gompertz_proliferation_invasion = apex(gompertz_proliferation_invasion_cospan)
DiagrammaticEquations.decapodeacset.SummationDecapode{Any, Any, Symbol} {Var:12, TVar:1, Op1:3, Op2:5, Σ:1, Summand:2, Type:0, Operator:0, Name:0}
Var type name
1 Form0 C
2 Form0 fC
3 Constant Cmax
4 infer proliferation_•1
5 infer proliferation_•2
6 Constant invasion_Dif
7 Constant invasion_Kd
8 infer invasion_Ċ
9 infer invasion_•2
10 infer invasion_•3
11 infer invasion_•4
12 infer invasion_sum_1
TVar incl
1 8
Op1 src tgt op1
1 4 5 ln
2 1 8 ∂ₜ
3 1 11 Δ
Op2 proj1 proj2 res op2
1 3 1 4 /
2 1 5 2 *
3 6 11 10 *
4 7 1 9 *
5 12 9 8 -
Σ sum
1 12
Summand summand summation
1 10 1
2 2 1

Generate the logistic simulation

logistic_sim = evalsim(logistic_proliferation_invasion)
lₘ = logistic_sim(dualmesh, default_dec_generate, DiagonalHodge())
(::Decapodes.var"#f#99"{PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int32}}) (generic function with 1 method)

Execute the logistic simulation

tₑ = 15.0
problem = ODEProblem(lₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
logistic_solution = solve(problem, Tsit5());

Let's examine the solution using the heatmap equation we defined.

Example block output

Generate the Gompertz simulation

gompertz_sim = evalsim(gompertz_proliferation_invasion)
gₘ = gompertz_sim(dualmesh, default_dec_generate, DiagonalHodge())
(::Decapodes.var"#f#104"{PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int32}, Decapodes.var"#5#10"{Decapodes.var"#3#8"}}) (generic function with 1 method)

Execute the Gompertz simulation

problem = ODEProblem(gₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
gompertz_solution = solve(problem, Tsit5());

Let's examine this solution now.

Example block output