
Partitions are a categorical construction that we derive from sets and functions. Given a set A, you can think of all of the ways to partition A into parts. These ways of partitioning are isomorphic to equivalence relations R ⊆ A × A.

The first step is our Catlab imports

using Core: GeneratedFunctionStub
using Test

using GATlab, Catlab.Theories, Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
import Catlab.Theories: compose
using DataStructures
using PrettyTables
PrettyTables.pretty_table(f::FinFunction, name::Symbol=:f) =
  pretty_table(OrderedDict(:x=>1:length(dom(f)), Symbol("$(name)(x)")=>collect(f)))
using LaTeXStrings

FinSet: the category of Finite Sets

In FinSet the objects are sets n = {1...n} and the morphisms are functions between finite sets. You can wrap a plain old Int into a finite set with the FinSet(n::Int) function. These sets will serve as the domain and codomains of our functions.

n = FinSet(3)
m = FinSet(4)

once you have some sets, you can define functions between them. A FinFunction from n to m, f:n→m, can be specified as an array of length n with elements from m.

f = FinFunction([2,4,3], n, m)

│     x │  f(x) │
│ Int64 │ Int64 │
│     1 │     2 │
│     2 │     4 │
│     3 │     3 │

Surjective maps

In order to use a map to represent a partition, we have to make sure that it is surjective. Given a FinFunction, we can compute the preimage of any element in its codomain.

preimage(f, 2)

preimage(f, 1)

If the preimage is empty, then there is no element in the domain that maps to that element of the codomain. This gives us a definition of surjective functions by asserting that all the preimages are nonempty. Julia note: !p is the predicate x ↦ ¬p(x), f.(A) applies f to all of the elements in A.

is_surjective(f::FinFunction) = all((!isempty).(preimage(f,i) for i in codom(f)))

Our function f, wasn't surjective so it can't be used to induce a partition via its preimages. Let's try again,

g = FinFunction([1,2,3,3], m, n)
pretty_table(g, :g)

Refinements of a Partition

When defining partitions classically as A = ∪ₚ Aₚ with p ≠ r ⟹ Aₚ ≠ Aᵣ, it is not immediately obvious how to define comparisons between partitions. With the "a partition of A is a surjective map out of A" definition, the comparisons are obvious. The composition of surjective maps is surjective, so we can define the refinement order in terms of a diagram in Set.

You can see a graphical definition in quiver

using TikzCDs

triangle = L"""
A &&& Q \\
&&& P
\arrow["h", two heads, from=1-4, to=3-4]
\arrow["f", two heads, from=1-1, to=1-4]
\arrow["g"', two heads, from=1-1, to=3-4]

TikzCD(triangle, preamble=TikzCDs.Styles.Quiver)
Example block output

Let's take a look at an example:

A = FinSet(4)
Q = FinSet(3)
P = FinSet(2)

f = FinFunction([1,2,3,3], A, Q)
g = FinFunction([1,1,2,2], A, P)
h = FinFunction([1,1,2], Q, P)

@test_throws ErrorException compose(g,h) #Catlab checks the domains match

pretty_table(compose(f,h), Symbol("(f⋅h)"))

compose(f,h) == g

This triangle commutes, so f is a refinement of g equivalently g is coarser than f.

h′ = FinFunction([1,1], P, FinSet(1))

pretty_table(f⋅h⋅h′, Symbol("f⋅h⋅h′"))
│     x │ f⋅h⋅h′(x) │
│ Int64 │     Int64 │
│     1 │         1 │
│     2 │         1 │
│     3 │         1 │
│     4 │         1 │

Properties of refinements

We can show that refinement gives us a preorder on partitions directly from the nice properties of surjective maps.

  1. Reflexive: Any partition is a refinement of itself.
  2. Transitive: If f ≤ g ≤ h as partitions, then f ≤ h

You can read these directly off the definition of refinements as a commutative triangle in the category of (Set, Surjections). You can edit this diagram in quiver

refinement = L"""
A &&& Q \\
&&& P \\
&&& {Q^\prime}
\arrow["h", from=1-4, to=3-4]
\arrow["f", two heads, from=1-1, to=1-4]
\arrow["g"', two heads, from=1-1, to=3-4]
\arrow["{h^\prime}", from=3-4, to=5-4]
\arrow["{f\cdot h\cdot h^\prime = g\cdot h^\prime}"', two heads, from=1-1, to=5-4]

TikzCD(refinement, preamble=TikzCDs.Styles.Quiver)
Example block output