Catlab.jl is a framework for applied and computational category theory, written in the Julia language. Catlab provides a programming library and interactive interface for applications of category theory to scientific and engineering fields. It emphasizes monoidal categories due to their wide applicability but can support any categorical structure that is formalizable as a generalized algebraic theory.
What is Catlab?
Catlab is, or will eventually be, the following things.
Programming library: First and foremost, Catlab provides data structures, algorithms, and serialization for applied category theory. Macros offer a convenient syntax for specifying categorical doctrines and type-safe symbolic manipulation systems. Wiring diagrams (aka string diagrams) are supported through specialized data structures and can be serialized to and from GraphML (an XML-based format) and JSON.
Interactive computing environment: Catlab can also be used interactively in Jupyter notebooks. Symbolic expressions are displayed using LaTeX and wiring diagrams are visualized using Compose.jl, Graphviz, or TikZ.
Computer algebra system: Catlab will serve as a computer algebra system for categorical algebra. Unlike most computer algebra systems, all expressions are typed using fragment of dependent type theory called generalized algebraic theories. We will implement core algorithms for solving word problems and reducing expressions to normal form with respect to several important doctrines, such as those of categories and of symmetric monoidal categories. For the computer algebra of classical abstract algebra, see AbstractAlgebra.jl and Nemo.jl.
What is Catlab not?
Catlab is not currently any of the following things, although we do not rule out that it could eventually evolve in these directions.
Automated theorem prover: Although there is some overlap between computer algebra and automated theorem proving, Catlab cannot be considered a theorem prover because it does not produce formal certificates of correctness (aka proofs).
Proof assistant: Likewise, Catlab is not a proof assistant because it does not produce formally verifiable proofs. Formal verification is not within scope of the project.
Graphical user interface: Catlab does not provide a wiring diagram editor or other graphical user interface. It is primarily a programming library, not a user-facing application. However, there is another project in the AlgebraicJulia ecosystem, Semagrams.jl which does provide graphical user interfaces for interacting with wiring diagrams, Petri nets, and the like.
What is a GAT?
In several places in Catlab, we use what we call "Abstract Field Convention". Instead of doing the following:
struct Pair{A}
add(xs::Pair) = xs.x1 + xs.x2
const IntPair = Pair{Int}
which leads to potentially longer and longer type names as the type parameters increase in size, we do
Abstract Fields
- x1::A
- x2::A
abstract type Pair{A} end
add(xs::Pair) = xs.x1 + xs.x2
struct IntPair <: Pair{Int}
That is, we assume that all subtypes of a certain abstract types have the same field names, and are organized in roughly the same way. There is no way of enforcing this within Julia, so instead we leave a comment on the abstract type to document that we are working this way.
Note that this is contrary to the standard wisdom in Julia that one should as much as possible access structs through methods, not field accesses. The reason why we do not do this here is twofold. First of all, sometimes it can be annoying to write out the trivial field-access methods in addition to defining the struct. For instance, we have 12 different structs in src/acsets/ColumnImplementations.jl
that all are subtypes of an Abstract Field Convention abstract type. It would be 24 lines of boilerplate to write out the field accessors for these types with little appreciable benefit. The second reason is that the Abstract Field Convention is a stronger guarantee than an interface: we are claiming that any subtype has precisely these fields in this order, and no others! This is essential for defining methods like copy, which might be defined as follows.
function copy(p::T) where {T<:Pair}
T(p.x1, p.x2)
So the Abstract Field Convention is stronger than a normal interface. It's not really about encapsulating data, it's more about cutting down on long names in debug messages.