COEXIST Multi-Generational COVID Model

using AlgebraicPetri

using LabelledArrays
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
using JSON

using Catlab
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
using Catlab.Graphics
using Catlab.Programs
using Catlab.Theories
using Catlab.WiringDiagrams
using Catlab.Graphics.Graphviz: run_graphviz

display_uwd(ex) = to_graphviz(ex, box_labels=:name, junction_labels=:variable, edge_attrs=Dict(:len=>"1"));
save_fig(g, fname::AbstractString, format::AbstractString) = begin
    open(string(fname, ".", format), "w") do io
        run_graphviz(io, g, format=format)
save_fig (generic function with 1 method)

Define helper functions for defining the two types of reactions in an epidemiology Model. Either a state spontaneously changes, or one state causes another to change

ob(x::Symbol,n::Int) = codom(Open([x], LabelledReactionNet{Number,Int}(x=>n), [x])).ob;
function spontaneous_petri(transition::Symbol, rate::Number,
                           s::Symbol, s₀::Int,
                           t::Symbol, t₀::Int)
    Open(LabelledReactionNet{Number,Int}(unique((s=>s₀,t=>t₀)), (transition,rate)=>(s=>t)))
function exposure_petri(transition::Symbol, rate::Number,
                        s::Symbol, s₀::Int,
                        e::Symbol, e₀::Int,
                        t::Symbol, t₀::Int)
    Open(LabelledReactionNet{Number,Int}(unique((s=>s₀,e=>e₀,t=>t₀)), (transition,rate)=>((s,e)=>(t,e))))

Set arrays of initial conditions and rates to use in functor

pop = [8044056, 7642473, 8558707, 9295024,8604251,9173465,7286777,5830635,3450616] .- (4*1000);
N = sum(pop) + length(pop)*4*1000;
social_mixing_rate =

fatality_rate = [0.00856164, 0.03768844, 0.02321319, 0.04282494, 0.07512237, 0.12550367, 0.167096  , 0.37953452, 0.45757006];

Define an oapply function that connects the building block Petri nets to the operations we will use in the model.

F(ex, n) = oapply(ex, Dict(
    :exposure=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_, n), 1*social_mixing_rate[n][n]/pop[n], Symbol(:S,n), pop[n], Symbol(:I,n), 1000, Symbol(:E,n), 1000),
    :exposure_e=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_e, n), .01*social_mixing_rate[n][n]/pop[n], Symbol(:S,n), pop[n], Symbol(:E,n),1000, Symbol(:E,n),1000),
    :exposure_i2=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_i2, n), 6*social_mixing_rate[n][n]/pop[n], Symbol(:S,n), pop[n], Symbol(:I2,n), 1000, Symbol(:E,n),1000),
    :exposure_a=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_a, n), 5*social_mixing_rate[n][n]/pop[n], Symbol(:S,n), pop[n], Symbol(:A,n),1000, Symbol(:E,n),1000),
    :progression=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:prog_, n), .25, Symbol(:I,n), 1000, Symbol(:I2,n), 1000),
    :asymptomatic_infection=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:asymp_, n), .86/.14*.2, Symbol(:E,n), 1000, Symbol(:A,n), 1000),
    :illness=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:ill_, n), .2, Symbol(:E,n), 1000, Symbol(:I,n), 1000),
    :asymptomatic_recovery=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:arec_, n), 1/15, Symbol(:A,n), 1000, Symbol(:R,n), 0),
    :recovery=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:rec_, n), 1/6, Symbol(:I2,n), 1000, Symbol(:R,n), 0),
    :recover_late=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:rec2_, n), 1/15, Symbol(:R,n), 0, Symbol(:R2,n), 0),
    :death=>spontaneous_petri(Symbol(:death2_, n), (1/15)*(fatality_rate[n]/(1-fatality_rate[n])), Symbol(:I2,n), 1000, Symbol(:D,n), 0)));

Define the COEXIST model using the @relation macro

coexist = @relation (s, e, i, i2, a, r, r2, d) begin
    exposure(s, i, e)
    exposure_i2(s, i2, e)
    exposure_a(s, a, e)
    exposure_e(s, e, e)
    asymptomatic_infection(e, a)
    asymptomatic_recovery(a, r)
    illness(e, i)
    progression(i, i2)
    death(i2, d)
    recovery(i2, r)
    recover_late(r, r2)
G n1 exposure n20 s n1--n20 n21 e n1--n21 n22 i n1--n22 n2 exposure_i2 n2--n20 n2--n21 n23 i2 n2--n23 n3 exposure_a n3--n20 n3--n21 n24 a n3--n24 n4 exposure_e n4--n20 n4--n21 n4--n21 n5 asymptomatic_infection n5--n21 n5--n24 n6 asymptomatic_recovery n6--n24 n25 r n6--n25 n7 illness n7--n21 n7--n22 n8 progression n8--n22 n8--n23 n9 death n9--n23 n27 d n9--n27 n10 recovery n10--n23 n10--n25 n11 recover_late n11--n25 n26 r2 n11--n26 n12--n20 n13--n21 n14--n22 n15--n23 n16--n24 n17--n25 n18--n26 n19--n27

Define an oapply function that can be used to create a model of cross exposure between two sets of populations

F_cx(ex, x,y) = oapply(ex, Dict(
    :exposure=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_, x,y), 1*social_mixing_rate[x][y]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,x), pop[x], Symbol(:I,y), 1000, Symbol(:E,x), 1000),
    :exposure_e=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_e, x,y), .01*social_mixing_rate[x][y]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,x), pop[x], Symbol(:E,y),1000, Symbol(:E,x),1000),
    :exposure_a=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_a, x,y), 5*social_mixing_rate[x][y]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,x), pop[x], Symbol(:A,y),1000, Symbol(:E,x),1000),
    :exposure_i2=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_i2, x,y), 6*social_mixing_rate[x][y]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,x), pop[x], Symbol(:I2,y), 1000, Symbol(:E,x),1000),
    :exposure′=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_, y,x), 1*social_mixing_rate[y][x]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,y), pop[y], Symbol(:I,x), 1000, Symbol(:E,y), 1000),
    :exposure_e′=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_e, y,x), .01*social_mixing_rate[y][x]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,y), pop[y], Symbol(:E,x),1000, Symbol(:E,y),1000),
    :exposure_a′=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_a, y,x), 5*social_mixing_rate[y][x]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,y), pop[y], Symbol(:A,x),1000, Symbol(:E,y),1000),
    :exposure_i2′=>exposure_petri(Symbol(:exp_i2, y,x), 6*social_mixing_rate[y][x]/(pop[x]+pop[y]), Symbol(:S,y), pop[y], Symbol(:I2,x), 1000, Symbol(:E,y),1000)
    :s=>ob(Symbol(:S, x), pop[x]),
    :e=>ob(Symbol(:E, x), 1000),
    :a=>ob(Symbol(:A, x), 1000),
    :i=>ob(Symbol(:I, x), 1000),
    :i2=>ob(Symbol(:I2, x), 1000),
    :r=>ob(Symbol(:R, x), 0),
    :r2=>ob(Symbol(:R2, x), 0),
    :d=>ob(Symbol(:D, x), 0),
    :s′=>ob(Symbol(:S, y), pop[y]),
    :e′=>ob(Symbol(:E, y), 1000),
    :a′=>ob(Symbol(:A, y), 1000),
    :i′=>ob(Symbol(:I, y), 1000),
    :i2′=>ob(Symbol(:I2, y), 1000),
    :r′=>ob(Symbol(:R, y), 0),
    :r2′=>ob(Symbol(:R2, y), 0),
    :d′=>ob(Symbol(:D, y), 0)

Use this new presentation to define a model of cross exposure between two populations

crossexposure = @relation (s, e, i, i2, a, r, r2, d, s′, e′, i′, i2′, a′, r′, r2′, d′) begin
    exposure(s, i′, e)
    exposure_i2(s, i2′, e)
    exposure_a(s, a′, e)
    exposure_e(s, e′, e)
    exposure′(s′, i, e′)
    exposure_i2′(s′, i2, e′)
    exposure_a′(s′, a, e′)
    exposure_e′(s′, e, e′)
G n1 exposure n25 s n1--n25 n26 e n1--n26 n35 i′ n1--n35 n2 exposure_i2 n2--n25 n2--n26 n36 i2′ n2--n36 n3 exposure_a n3--n25 n3--n26 n37 a′ n3--n37 n4 exposure_e n4--n25 n4--n26 n34 e′ n4--n34 n5 exposure′ n27 i n5--n27 n33 s′ n5--n33 n5--n34 n6 exposure_i2′ n28 i2 n6--n28 n6--n33 n6--n34 n7 exposure_a′ n29 a n7--n29 n7--n33 n7--n34 n8 exposure_e′ n8--n26 n8--n33 n8--n34 n9--n25 n10--n26 n11--n27 n12--n28 n13--n29 n30 r n14--n30 n31 r2 n15--n31 n32 d n16--n32 n17--n33 n18--n34 n19--n35 n20--n36 n21--n37 n38 r′ n22--n38 n39 r2′ n23--n39 n40 d′ n24--n40

To combine these two models, we need to create a final relational model and use the bundle_legs function in our oapply that enables us to model 3 population wires instead of each individual state as a wire. Each of these populations has their own COEXIST model, and interact through cross exposure

bundled_cross(x,y) = bundle_legs(F_cx(crossexposure, x, y), [tuple([1:8;]...), tuple([9:16;]...)])
bundled_coex(x) = bundle_legs(F(coexist, x), [tuple([1:8;]...)])
F_tcx(ex) = oapply(ex, Dict(

threeNCoexist = @relation (pop1, pop2, pop3) begin
    crossexp12(pop1, pop2)
    crossexp13(pop1, pop3)
    crossexp23(pop2, pop3)
G n1 crossexp12 n10 pop1 n1--n10 n11 pop2 n1--n11 n2 crossexp13 n2--n10 n12 pop3 n2--n12 n3 crossexp23 n3--n11 n3--n12 n4 coex1 n4--n10 n5 coex2 n5--n11 n6 coex3 n6--n12 n7--n10 n8--n11 n9--n12
threeNCoexist_algpetri = apex(F_tcx(threeNCoexist))

3-generation COEXIST model petri net

We can JSON to convert this Petri net into an easily shareable format


We can now easily generate a solver for DifferentialEquations.jl because we encoded the intitial parameters and rates throughout the construction of the model, the final result knows its concentrations and rates.

tspan = (0.0,100.0);
prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(threeNCoexist_algpetri),concentrations(threeNCoexist_algpetri),tspan,rates(threeNCoexist_algpetri));
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5());
plot(sol, xlabel="Time", ylabel="Number of people")

If we want to model other intervention methods, we can simply adjust the rates of exposure to represent stay at home orders and mask wearing. Because of how we have defined our rates, we can simply update the social mixing rates, and resolve the model.

for i in 1:length(social_mixing_rate)
  for j in 1:length(social_mixing_rate[1])
    social_mixing_rate[i][j] = social_mixing_rate[i][j] / (i != j ? 10 : 5);
threeNCoexist_algpetri = apex(F_tcx(threeNCoexist));

prob = ODEProblem(vectorfield(threeNCoexist_algpetri),concentrations(threeNCoexist_algpetri),tspan,rates(threeNCoexist_algpetri));
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5());
plot(sol, xlabel="Time", ylabel="Number of people")