Stratification of COVID Models
using AlgebraicPetri, AlgebraicPetri.TypedPetri
using Catlab.Programs, Catlab.Graphics
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
using Catlab.WiringDiagrams
using DisplayAs, Markdown
Define basic epidemiology model
Define the type system for infectious disease models
const infectious_ontology = LabelledPetriNet(
:infect => ((:Pop, :Pop) => (:Pop, :Pop)),
:disease => (:Pop => :Pop),
:strata => (:Pop => :Pop)
Define a simple SIRD model with reflexive transitions typed as :strata
to indicate which states can be stratified Here we add reflexive transitions to the susceptible, infected, and recovered populations but we leave out the dead population because they cannote do things such as get vaccinated or travel between regions.
sird_uwd = @relation (S,I,R,D) where (S::Pop, I::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
infect(S, I, I, I)
disease(I, R)
disease(I, D)
sird_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, sird_uwd, [:infection, :recovery, :death])
sird_model = add_reflexives(sird_model, [[:strata], [:strata], [:strata], []], infectious_ontology)
Define intervention models
Masking model
masking_uwd = @relation (M,UM) where (M::Pop, UM::Pop) begin
disease(M, UM)
disease(UM, M)
infect(M, UM, M, UM)
infect(UM, UM, UM, UM)
mask_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, masking_uwd, [:unmask, :mask, :infect_um, :infect_uu])
mask_model = add_reflexives(mask_model, [[:strata], [:strata]], infectious_ontology)
Stratify our SIRD model on this masking model to get a model of SIRD with masking:
typed_product(sird_model, mask_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Vaccine model
vax_uwd = @relation (UV,V) where (UV::Pop, V::Pop) begin
strata(UV, V)
infect(V, V, V, V)
infect(V, UV, V, UV)
infect(UV, V, UV, V)
infect(UV, UV, UV, UV)
vax_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, vax_uwd, [:vax, :infect_vv, :infect_uv, :infect_vu, :infect_uu])
vax_model = add_reflexives(vax_model, [[:disease], [:disease]], infectious_ontology)
Stratify our SIRD model on this vaccine model to get a model of SIRD with a vaccination rate:
typed_product(sird_model, vax_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Mask-Vax Model
mask_vax_uwd = @relation (UV_UM,UV_M,V_UM,V_M) where (UV_UM::Pop, UV_M::Pop, V_UM::Pop, V_M::Pop) begin
strata(UV_UM, UV_M)
strata(UV_M, UV_UM)
strata(V_UM, V_M)
strata(V_M, V_UM)
strata(UV_UM, V_UM)
strata(UV_M, V_M)
infect(V_UM, V_UM, V_UM, V_UM)
infect(V_UM, UV_UM, V_UM, UV_UM)
infect(UV_UM, V_UM, UV_UM, V_UM)
infect(UV_UM, UV_UM, UV_UM, UV_UM)
infect(V_M, V_UM, V_M, V_UM)
infect(V_M, UV_UM, V_M, UV_UM)
infect(UV_M, V_UM, UV_M, V_UM)
infect(UV_M, UV_UM, UV_M, UV_UM)
mask_vax_model = oapply_typed(
[:mask_uv, :unmask_uv, :mask_v, :unmask_v, :vax_um, :vax_m, :infect_um_vv, :infect_um_uv, :infect_um_vu, :infect_um_uu, :infect_m_vv, :infect_m_uv, :infect_m_vu, :infect_m_uu]
mask_vax_model = add_reflexives(mask_vax_model, [[:disease], [:disease], [:disease], [:disease]], infectious_ontology)
Stratify our SIRD model on this mask + vaccine model to get a model of SIRD with a vaccination rate and masking policies:
typed_product(sird_model, mask_vax_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Define geographic models
Travel model between $N$ regions
For this model we can use a julia function to programmatically build up our undirected wiring diagram for defining this model. Here we want there to be $N$ regions in which people can travel between each region and people within the same region are able to infect other people in the same region.
function travel_model(n)
uwd = RelationDiagram(repeat([:Pop], n))
junctions = Dict(begin
variable = Symbol("Region$(i)")
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
variable => junction
end for (i, port) in enumerate(ports(uwd, outer=true)))
pairs = filter(x -> first(x) != last(x), collect(Iterators.product(keys(junctions), keys(junctions))))
for pair in pairs
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:strata)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("$(a)_$(b)") for (a, b) in pairs])
add_reflexives(act, repeat([[:infect, :disease]], n), infectious_ontology)
Stratify our SIRD model on this travel model with two regions:
typed_product(sird_model, travel_model(2)) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Simple Trip model between $N$ regions
For this model we can use a julia function to programmatically build up our model where people have the property of living somewhere and we are modelling them travelling between locations while maintaining the status of where they live. Here we can actually just define the model of having a "Living" status and stratify it with the previously defined travel model to get a model of someone taking a simple trip.
function living_model(n)
typed_living = pairwise_id_typed_petri(infectious_ontology, :Pop, :infect, [Symbol("Living$(i)") for i in 1:n])
add_reflexives(typed_living, repeat([[:disease, :strata]], n), infectious_ontology)
The resulting simple trip model:
simple_trip_model = typed_product(travel_model(2), living_model(2))
Stratify our SIRD model on this simple trip model between two regions:
typed_product(sird_model, simple_trip_model) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Stratification of COVID models
we set up a simple helper function to connect the undirected wiring diagrams to our infectious disease type system and add the necessary reflexive transitions for stratification.
function oapply_mira_model(uwd)
model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("t$(n)") for n in 1:nboxes(uwd)])
add_reflexives(model, [repeat([[:strata]], njunctions(uwd)-3)..., [], [:strata],[]], infectious_ontology)
oapply_mira_model (generic function with 1 method)
m1_model = (@relation (S,I,D,A,R,T,H,E) where (S::Pop, I::Pop, D::Pop, A::Pop, R::Pop, T::Pop, H::Pop, E::Pop) begin
infect(S, D, I, D)
infect(S, A, I, A)
infect(S, R, I, R)
infect(S, I, I, I)
disease(I, D)
disease(I, A)
disease(I, H)
disease(D, R)
disease(D, H)
disease(A, R)
disease(A, H)
disease(A, T)
disease(R, T)
disease(R, H)
disease(T, E)
disease(T, H)
end) |> oapply_mira_model
m2_model = (@relation (S,E,I,A,H,R,D) where (S::Pop, E::Pop, I::Pop, A::Pop, H::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
infect(S, I, E, I)
infect(S, A, E, A)
infect(S, H, E, H)
disease(E, I)
disease(E, A)
disease(I, H)
disease(I, R)
disease(I, D)
disease(A, R)
disease(A, D)
disease(H, D)
disease(H, R)
end) |> oapply_mira_model
m3_model = (@relation (S,E,Iu,Ir,Q,R,D) where (S::Pop, E::Pop, Iu::Pop, Ir::Pop, Q::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
infect(S, Ir, E, Ir)
infect(S, Iu, E, Iu)
infect(S, Ir, Q, Ir)
infect(S, Iu, Q, Iu)
disease(Q, Ir)
disease(E, Ir)
disease(E, Iu)
disease(Ir, R)
disease(Iu, R)
disease(Q, S)
disease(Ir, D)
end) |> oapply_mira_model
Enumerating stratified models
Next we can take all of our epidemiology, intervention, and geography models and easily enumerate and calculate the models for every possible stratification combination and investigate the resulting models with some set number of regions for the geographic stratification models.
num_rgns = 5
disease_models = [("SIRD", sird_model), ("SIDARTHE", m1_model), ("SEIAHRD", m2_model), ("SEIuIrQRD", m3_model)]
policy_models = [nothing, ("Vaccination", vax_model), ("Masking", mask_model), ("Masking + Vaccination", mask_vax_model)]
travel_models = [nothing, ("Travel", travel_model(num_rgns)), ("Simple Trip", typed_product(travel_model(num_rgns), living_model(num_rgns)))]
table = ["| Model | Intervention | Geography ($(num_rgns) regions) | # of States | # of Transitons |","|:--|$(repeat(":-:|", 4))"]
for pieces in Iterators.product(disease_models, policy_models, travel_models)
petri = typed_product(last.(collect(filter(x -> !isnothing(x), pieces)))) |> dom
push!(table, "|$(join([isnothing(piece) ? "N/A" : first(piece) for piece in pieces],"|"))|$(ns(petri))|$(nt(petri))|")
Markdown.parse(join(table, "\n")) |> DisplayAs.HTML
Model | Intervention | Geography (5 regions) | # of States | # of Transitons |
SIRD | N/A | N/A | 4 | 6 |
SIDARTHE | N/A | N/A | 8 | 22 |
SEIAHRD | N/A | N/A | 7 | 17 |
SEIuIrQRD | N/A | N/A | 7 | 16 |
SIRD | Vaccination | N/A | 8 | 11 |
SIDARTHE | Vaccination | N/A | 16 | 46 |
SEIAHRD | Vaccination | N/A | 14 | 35 |
SEIuIrQRD | Vaccination | N/A | 14 | 35 |
SIRD | Masking | N/A | 8 | 12 |
SIDARTHE | Masking | N/A | 16 | 44 |
SEIAHRD | Masking | N/A | 14 | 34 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking | N/A | 14 | 32 |
SIRD | Masking + Vaccination | N/A | 16 | 34 |
SIDARTHE | Masking + Vaccination | N/A | 32 | 116 |
SEIAHRD | Masking + Vaccination | N/A | 28 | 90 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking + Vaccination | N/A | 28 | 90 |
SIRD | N/A | Travel | 20 | 75 |
SIDARTHE | N/A | Travel | 40 | 200 |
SEIAHRD | N/A | Travel | 35 | 160 |
SEIuIrQRD | N/A | Travel | 35 | 155 |
SIRD | Vaccination | Travel | 40 | 100 |
SIDARTHE | Vaccination | Travel | 80 | 320 |
SEIAHRD | Vaccination | Travel | 70 | 250 |
SEIuIrQRD | Vaccination | Travel | 70 | 250 |
SIRD | Masking | Travel | 40 | 150 |
SIDARTHE | Masking | Travel | 80 | 400 |
SEIAHRD | Masking | Travel | 70 | 320 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking | Travel | 70 | 310 |
SIRD | Masking + Vaccination | Travel | 80 | 440 |
SIDARTHE | Masking + Vaccination | Travel | 160 | 1120 |
SEIAHRD | Masking + Vaccination | Travel | 140 | 900 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking + Vaccination | Travel | 140 | 900 |
SIRD | N/A | Simple Trip | 100 | 475 |
SIDARTHE | N/A | Simple Trip | 200 | 1400 |
SEIAHRD | N/A | Simple Trip | 175 | 1100 |
SEIuIrQRD | N/A | Simple Trip | 175 | 1175 |
SIRD | Vaccination | Simple Trip | 200 | 900 |
SIDARTHE | Vaccination | Simple Trip | 400 | 3200 |
SEIAHRD | Vaccination | Simple Trip | 350 | 2450 |
SEIuIrQRD | Vaccination | Simple Trip | 350 | 2850 |
SIRD | Masking | Simple Trip | 200 | 950 |
SIDARTHE | Masking | Simple Trip | 400 | 2800 |
SEIAHRD | Masking | Simple Trip | 350 | 2200 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking | Simple Trip | 350 | 2350 |
SIRD | Masking + Vaccination | Simple Trip | 400 | 3000 |
SIDARTHE | Masking + Vaccination | Simple Trip | 800 | 8800 |
SEIAHRD | Masking + Vaccination | Simple Trip | 700 | 6900 |
SEIuIrQRD | Masking + Vaccination | Simple Trip | 700 | 7700 |
As we increase the number of regions in our geographic stratification models, the number of states and transitions increase polynomially which causes the execution time for calculating the final stratified model to also increase polynomially.