Multiple-Strain Model of COVID and Vaccines
using AlgebraicPetri, AlgebraicPetri.TypedPetri
using Catlab.Programs, Catlab.Graphics
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
using Catlab.WiringDiagrams
using DisplayAs, Markdown
This example presents models incorporating multiple strains of disease and vaccine type. Importantly, it shows why stratification by disease strain is different from other stratifications, e.g. geography or age, and requires using a different type system.
Define basic epidemiology model
We start by defining our basic type system for infectious disease models.
const infectious_ontology = LabelledPetriNet(
:infect => ((:Pop, :Pop) => (:Pop, :Pop)),
:disease => (:Pop => :Pop),
:strata => (:Pop => :Pop)
We define a simple SIRD model with reflexive transitions typed as :strata
to indicate which states can be stratified. Here we add reflexive transitions to the susceptible, infected, and recovered populations but we leave out the dead population because they cannot do things such as get vaccinated or travel between regions.
sird_uwd = @relation (S,I,R,D) where (S::Pop, I::Pop, R::Pop, D::Pop) begin
infect(S, I, I, I)
disease(I, R)
disease(I, D)
sird_model = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, sird_uwd, [:infection, :recovery, :death])
sird_model = add_reflexives(sird_model, [[:strata], [:strata], [:strata], []], infectious_ontology)
Define a model of multiple vaccine types
We also define a model of vaccination with multiple vaccine types. In this model, vaccination transitions are typed as :strata
. Note that the :infect
transitions must be included to enable cross-infection between different vax types.
function vax_model(n)
uwd = RelationDiagram(repeat([:Pop], n+1))
variable = :Unvaxxed
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions = Dict(variable => junction)
for i in 1:n
variable = Symbol("VaxType$(i)")
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[i+1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions[variable] = junction
strains = filter((x) -> x != Symbol("Unvaxxed"), keys(junctions))
for s in strains
pair = (:Unvaxxed, s)
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:strata)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
tnames = [Symbol("vax_$(b)") for b in strains]
pairs = collect(Iterators.product(keys(junctions), keys(junctions)))
for pair in pairs
ins_outs = (pair[1], pair[2], pair[1], pair[2])
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in ins_outs], name=:infect)
for (rgn, port) in zip(ins_outs, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, tnames)
add_reflexives(act, repeat([[:disease]], n+1), infectious_ontology)
Stratify the SIRD model with vaccinations for two vaccine types
We can now stratify the two typed models to get a model of SIRD with vaccination by multiple possible vaccine types.
typed_product(sird_model, vax_model(2)) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Define a model of multiple disease strains
Here we define a model of multiple strains of disease infection. In this model, uninfected individuals can become infected by indivuals carrying one of the strains. This model can be typed the infectious_ontology
. We add reflexives of :disease
and :strata
for the strain states but only :strata
for the uninfected state.
function strain_model′(n)
uwd = RelationDiagram(repeat([:Pop], n+1))
variable = :Uninfected
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions = Dict(variable => junction)
for i in 1:n
variable = Symbol("Strain$(i)")
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[i+1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions[variable] = junction
strains = filter((x) -> x != Symbol("Uninfected"), keys(junctions))
for s in strains
pair = (:Uninfected, s, s, s)
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:infect)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("inf_$(b)") for b in strains])
add_reflexives(act, vcat([[:strata]],repeat([[:disease,:strata]], n)), infectious_ontology)
Stratify the SIRD model for two strains
Unfortunately, stratification of these models does not produce the desired result. There are quite a few extraneous states and transitions. The primary issue is the asymmetry in the role of the uninfected population. We can address this by changing the type system.
typed_product(sird_model, strain_model′(2)) |> dom |> to_graphviz
Define a new type system and corresponding disease and multi-strain models
The new type system has separate states for uninfected and infected to account for the asymmetry in their role in infection and for the corresponding asymmetry in the intended stratification. Accordingly, the :Inf
state has :disease
and :strataI
transitions. The :Uninf
state only has an additional "strata" transition, :strataU
, but note this transition is distinct from that for the :Inf
const strain_ontology = LabelledPetriNet(
[:Uninf, :Inf],
:infect => ((:Uninf, :Inf) => (:Inf, :Inf)),
:disease => (:Inf => :Inf),
:strataI => (:Inf => :Inf),
:strataU => (:Uninf => :Uninf)
We now reform the SIRD model using the new type system.
sird_for_strains_uwd = @relation (S,I,R,D) where (S::Uninf, I::Inf, R::Inf, D::Inf) begin
infect(S, I, I, I)
disease(I, R)
disease(I, D)
sird_for_strains_model = oapply_typed(strain_ontology, sird_for_strains_uwd, [:infection, :recovery, :death])
sird_for_strains_model = add_reflexives(sird_for_strains_model, [[:strataU], [:strataI], [:strataI], []], strain_ontology)
And similarly reform the multi-strain model.
function strain_model(n)
uwd = RelationDiagram(vcat([:Uninf],repeat([:Inf], n)))
variable = :Uninfected
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Uninf, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions = Dict(variable => junction)
for i in 1:n
variable = Symbol("Strain$(i)")
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Inf, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[i+1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions[variable] = junction
strains = filter((x) -> x != Symbol("Uninfected"), keys(junctions))
for s in strains
pair = (:Uninfected, s, s, s)
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:infect)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(strain_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("inf_$(b)") for b in strains])
add_reflexives(act, vcat([[:strataU]],repeat([[:disease,:strataI]], n)), strain_ontology)
When we now stratify we get the desired model.
sird_strain = typed_product(sird_for_strains_model, strain_model(2))
Post-composition: Typing the type system
In some instances, we may want to relate models typed to different type systems. For example, we usually type our simple_trip
model of geographic regions to the infectious_ontology
such that we can stratify a disease model by geographic regions, but the multi-strain disease model above is typed by the new strain_ontology
Crucially, we can accomplish this IF there is an appropriate morphism (map) between the type systems because post-composition by a morphism of type systems is functorial. In this case, there is a morphism from strain_ontology
to infectious_ontology
, so we can form the morphism
Morphism from strain_ontology
to infectious_ontology
strain_ont_uwd = @relation (Uninf,Inf) where (Uninf::Pop, Inf::Pop) begin
infect(Uninf, Inf, Inf, Inf)
disease(Inf, Inf)
strata(Inf, Inf)
strata(Uninf, Uninf)
strain_ont_act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology,strain_ont_uwd,[:infect,:disease,:strataI,:strataU])
Define simple-trip geographic model of $N$ regions
To demonstrate stratification utilizing post-composition to re-type the models, we use the simple-trip geographic model. This model is comprises a travel model and a living model.
Travel model between $N$ regions\n In this model, there are $N$ regions which people can travel between. People within the same region are able to infect other people in the same region.
function travel_model(n)
uwd = RelationDiagram(repeat([:Pop], n))
junctions = Dict(begin
variable = Symbol("Region$(i)")
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :Pop, variable=variable)
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
variable => junction
end for (i, port) in enumerate(ports(uwd, outer=true)))
pairs = filter(x -> first(x) != last(x), collect(Iterators.product(keys(junctions), keys(junctions))))
for pair in pairs
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=:strata)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(infectious_ontology, uwd, [Symbol("$(a)_$(b)") for (a, b) in pairs])
add_reflexives(act, repeat([[:infect, :disease]], n), infectious_ontology)
This model could itself be stratified with the SIRD model, but we want to model persons travelling between locations while maintaining the status of where they live.
Living model of $N$ regions\n In this model, people have the property of "Living" somewhere.
function living_model(n)
typed_living = pairwise_id_typed_petri(infectious_ontology, :Pop, :infect, [Symbol("Living$(i)") for i in 1:n])
add_reflexives(typed_living, repeat([[:disease, :strata]], n), infectious_ontology)
Simple trip model of $N$ regions\n We can stratify the living model with the travel model to get a model of someone taking a simple trip.
simple_trip_model = typed_product(travel_model(2), living_model(2))
Stratify SIRD-multi-strain and simple-trip models
Now, to stratify our multi-strain SIRD model with the simple-trip, we first retype the multi-strain model to the infectious_ontology
by composing with the morphism we defined.
sird_strain_retyped = compose(sird_strain,strain_ont_act)
ACSetTransformation((T = compose(compose(compose(FinFunction([1, 7, 16, 20, 21, 29, 30, 32, 33, 41, 42], 11, 42), FinFunction(#57, FinSet(42), FinSet(6))), FinFunction([1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3], 6, 4)), FinFunction([1, 2, 3, 3], 4, 3)), S = compose(compose(compose(FinFunction([1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12], 7, 12), FinFunction(#57, FinSet(12), FinSet(4))), FinFunction([1, 2, 2, 2], 4, 2)), FinFunction([1, 1], 2, 1)), I = compose(compose(compose(FinFunction([1, 9, 15, 23, 33, 38, 39, 48, 49, 52, 53, 62, 63], 13, 63), FinFunction(#57, FinSet(63), FinSet(7))), FinFunction([1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4], 7, 5)), FinFunction([1, 2, 3, 4, 4], 5, 4)), O = compose(compose(compose(FinFunction([1, 9, 15, 23, 33, 38, 39, 48, 49, 52, 53, 62, 63], 13, 63), FinFunction(#57, FinSet(63), FinSet(7))), FinFunction([1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4], 7, 5)), FinFunction([1, 2, 3, 4, 4], 5, 4)), Name = Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.FinSets.LooseVarFunction{Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, Symbol}(FinDomFunction(Union{ACSets.ColumnImplementations.AttrVar, Symbol}[], FinSet(0), TypeSet(Union{ACSets.ColumnImplementations.AttrVar, Symbol})), compose(compose(SetFunction(#23, TypeSet(Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}), TypeSet(Symbol)), SetFunction(#17, TypeSet(Symbol), TypeSet(Symbol))), SetFunction(#10, TypeSet(Symbol), TypeSet(Symbol))), FinSet(0))), AlgebraicPetri.LabelledPetriNetUntyped{Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}} {T:11, S:7, I:13, O:13, Name:0}, LabelledPetriNet {T:3, S:1, I:4, O:4, Name:0})
We can now stratify.
sird_strain_trip = typed_product(sird_strain_retyped,simple_trip_model)
Define a multi-strain SIRD model with vaccination by multiple vaccine types
We can similarly stratify the multi-strain SIRD model with the multi-vax model.
sird_strain_vax = typed_product(sird_strain_retyped,vax_model(2))
Re-stratify the multi-strain multi-vax SIRD model with the simple trip model
If we would like to re-stratify our SIRD-strain-vax model with the simple trip model, we again face a difficulty. Both the "vaccination" transitions of the first model and the "travel" transitions of the second are currently typed to the :strata
transition of the infectious_ontology
type system. To appropriately stratify, we need an additional "strata" transition to distinguish between the two types of transitions. We can again use post-compostion to overcome the difficulty.
Define an augmented version of the infectious_ontology
type system with an additional "strata" transition
const aug_inf_ontology = LabelledPetriNet(
:ninfect => ((:nPop, :nPop) => (:nPop, :nPop)),
:ndisease => (:nPop => :nPop),
:nstrata => (:nPop => :nPop),
:nstrata2 => (:nPop => :nPop)
Define morphisms from the original type system to the new augmented type system
We form one morphism that maps the :strata
transition to :nstrata
. This morphism will serve to re-type the SIRD-strain-vax model.
function retype_inf_ont(strata_map)
uwd = RelationDiagram([:nPop])
variable = :Pop
junction = add_junction!(uwd, :nPop, variable=variable)
port = ports(uwd, outer=true)[1]
set_junction!(uwd, port, junction, outer=true)
junctions = Dict(variable => junction)
boxes = [:ninfect, :ndisease, strata_map]
for bname in boxes
if bname == :ninfect
pair = (:Pop, :Pop, :Pop, :Pop)
pair = (:Pop, :Pop)
box = add_box!(uwd, [junction_type(uwd, junctions[p]) for p in pair], name=bname)
for (rgn, port) in zip(pair, ports(uwd, box))
set_junction!(uwd, port, junctions[rgn])
act = oapply_typed(aug_inf_ontology, uwd, [:infect, :disease, :strata])
inf_ont_act = retype_inf_ont(:nstrata)
We form another morphism that maps the :strata
transition to :nstrata2
. This morphism will serve to re-type the simple trip model.
rgn_ont_act = retype_inf_ont(:nstrata2)
Add reflexive transitions
To finish preparing for stratification, we need to add the new reflexive transitions to the component models. To the SIRD-strain-vax model, we add an :nstrata2
tranisiton to each state that does not represent a portion of the population that is deceased (because deceased individuals cannot travel).
sird_strain_vax_retyped = flatten_labels(compose(sird_strain_vax,inf_ont_act))
reflx = [[:nstrata2]]
for ii in 2:ns(dom(sird_strain_vax_retyped))
if split(String(dom(sird_strain_vax_retyped)[ii,:sname]),"_")[1] == "D"
aug_sird_strain_vax = add_reflexives(sird_strain_vax_retyped, reflx, aug_inf_ontology);
To the simple trip model, we add an :nstrata
tranisiton for each state.
simple_trip_retyped = flatten_labels(compose(simple_trip_model,rgn_ont_act))
aug_trip = add_reflexives(simple_trip_retyped, repeat([[:nstrata]],ns(dom(simple_trip_retyped))), aug_inf_ontology);
Stratify the SIRD-strain-vax and simple trip models
sird_strain_vax_trip = typed_product([aug_sird_strain_vax,aug_trip])