AlgebraicPetri.jl Integration
You can construct a ContinuousResourceSharer
from an Open Petri Net for any kind of network supported by AlgebraicPetri.jl including:
- OpenPetriNet
- OpenLabelledPetriNet
- OpenLabelledReactionNet
using AlgebraicPetri
using AlgebraicDynamics
using Catlab.Graphics
Brusselator = PetriNet(6,
(1 => (5, 1)),
((5, 5, 6) => (5, 5, 5)),
((2, 5) => (6, 3, 2)),
(5 => 4)
You just call the constructor for ContinuousResourceSharer on an Open Petri Net. The constructor knows where to use labels or integers for the state variables. It also knows to get parameters from the ReactionNet and enclose them into the dynamics.
open_bruss = Open([1, 3], Brusselator, [1, 2])
rs = ContinuousResourceSharer{Float64}(open_bruss)
ContinuousResourceSharer(ℝ^6 → ℝ^6) with 4 exposed ports
For the PetriNet case, you supply the state and parameters with regular arrays.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
tspan = (0.0,100.0)
params = [1.0, 1., 1., 1.0]
u0 = [1,3.7,0.0,0.0,1,1]
prob = ODEProblem(rs, u0, tspan, params)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(soln, idxs=[5,6])
For the LabelledPetriNet case, you supply the state and parameters with LArray
Brusselator = LabelledPetriNet([:A, :B, :D, :E, :X, :Y],
:t1 => (:A => (:X, :A)),
:t2 => ((:X, :X, :Y) => (:X, :X, :X)),
:t3 => ((:B, :X) => (:Y, :D, :B)),
:t4 => (:X => :E)
open_bruss = Open([:A, :D], Brusselator, [:A, :B])
rs = ContinuousResourceSharer{Float64}(open_bruss)
ContinuousResourceSharer(ℝ^6 → ℝ^6) with 4 exposed ports
using ComponentArrays
tspan = (0.0,100.0)
params = ComponentArray(t1=1.0, t2=1.2, t3=3.14, t4=0.1)
u0 = ComponentArray(A=1.0, B=3.17, D=0.0, E=0.0, X=1.0, Y=1.9)
eval_dynamics(rs, u0, params, 0.0)
prob = ODEProblem((u,p,t) -> eval_dynamics(rs, u, p, t), u0, tspan, params)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol, idxs=[:X, :Y])