Library Reference
— TypeAbstract base type for acsets, static or dynamic.
— TypePart IDs are densely packed without gaps.
Mutations are eager and garbage collection is a no-op. Deletion or identification of parts may invalidate external references to particular parts.
— TypeMark parts as deleted when they are removed.
Deletions are lazy and arrays are not resized until garbage collection. Parts can be deleted without invalidating external references to other parts.
— TypeCombination of MarkAsDeleted
and UnionFind
— TypeType of part IDs to use in an acset.
The choice of parts type does not alter the mathematical model but it does affect the performance tradeoffs of the acset data structure, the assumptions that can be made about the part IDs, and whether garbage collection (gc!
) is relevant.
Type parameter S
is the collection type (Int
, BitSet
, etc) and type parameter T
is the element type (Int
, Symbol
, etc), mirroring the two type parameters of FinSet
in Catlab.
The default choice of parts type is DenseParts
— TypeAllow distinct part IDs to refer to the same logical part.
Implemented using union-find. Garbage collection is an operation that makes sense to perform. Parts can be identified with each other without invalidating external references to particular parts.
— FunctionGet the name of an acset at runtime
— FunctionGet the schema of an acset at runtime.
— MethodAdd part of given type to acset, optionally setting its subparts.
Returns the ID of the added part.
See also: add_parts!
— FunctionAdd parts of given type to acset, optionally setting their subparts.
Returns the range of IDs for the added parts.
See also: add_part!
— MethodRemove part and all parts incident to it, recursively.
Cf. rem_part!
, which is not recursive.
— FunctionRemove parts and all parts incident to them, recursively.
The parts may be supplied in any order and may include duplicates.
Cf. rem_parts!
, which is not recursive.
— FunctionGet the parts of the codomain of a morphism in an acset
dom_parts(acs, f) == parts(acs, Y)
where Y is the codom of the f in the schema
— FunctionGet a nullary callable which constructs an (empty) ACSet of the same type
— FunctionCopy parts from a C-set to a C′-set.
The selected parts must belong to both schemas. All subparts common to the selected parts, including data attributes, are preserved. Thus, if the selected parts form a sub-C-set, then the whole sub-C-set is preserved. On the other hand, if the selected parts do not form a sub-C-set, then some copied parts will have undefined subparts.
TODO: handle colons
— FunctionCopy parts from a C-set to a C′-set, ignoring all non-data subparts.
The selected parts must belong to both schemas. Attributes common to both schemas are also copied, but no other subparts are copied.
See also: copy_parts!
— FunctionGet the parts of the domain of a morphism in an acset
dom_parts(acs, f) == parts(acs, X)
where X is the dom of the f in the schema
— MethodFill an ACSet
Adds parts for a given part part
up to a given number n
. Unlike add_part!
, this is idempotent.
Consider a cycle graph g
with 3 vertices and 3 edges. Then
ensure_size!(g, :V, 5) # = 4:5
adds vertices 4 and 5. Suppose instead we added an edge,
ensure_size!(g, :E, 4) # = 4:4
Repeating this operation, we see that no new edges are added.
ensure_size!(g, :E, 4) # = 1:0
— FunctionGarbage collect in an acset.
For some choices of PartsType
, this function is a no-op.
— FunctionWhether an acset has a part with the given name.
— FunctionGet superparts incident to part in acset.
If the subpart is indexed, this takes constant time; otherwise, it takes linear time. As with subpart
, both single and vectorized access, as well as chained access, are supported. Note that sequences of morphisms are supplied in the usual left-to-right order, so that
incident(g, x, [:src, :vattr])
returns the list of all edges whose source vertex has vertex attribute x
If the chaining of subparts is given as a tuple (e.g.; (:src, :vattr)), then code generation is used to check that the subparts and their order is a valid composition and to improve performance.
Note that when the subpart is indexed, this function returns a view of the underlying index, which should not be mutated. To ensure that a fresh copy is returned, regardless of whether indexing is enabled, set the keyword argument copy=true
— FunctionMaximum possible part value of given type in an acset.
— FunctionNumber of parts of given type in an acset.
— MethodParts of given type in an acset.
— MethodGet the type used to store parts IDs.
— MethodDisplay an acset using PrettyTables.jl.
This works for any acset that implements tables
— MethodRemove all AttrType parts that are not in the image of any of the attributes.
— FunctionRemove part from a C-set.
The part is removed using the "pop and swap" strategy familiar from Graphs.jl, where the "removed" part is actually replaced by the last part, which is then deleted. This strategy has important performance benefits since only the last part must be assigned a new ID, as opposed to assigning new IDs to every part following the removed part.
The removal operation is not recursive. When a part is deleted, any superparts incident to it are retained, but their subparts become undefined (equal to the integer zero). For example, in a graph, if you call rem_part!
on a vertex, the edges incident the src
and/or tgt
vertices of the edge become undefined but the edge itself is not deleted.
Indexing has both positive and negative impacts on performance. On the one hand, indexing reduces the cost of finding affected superparts from linear time to constant time. On the other hand, the indices of subparts must be updated when the part is removed. For example, in a graph, indexing src
and tgt
makes removing vertices faster but removing edges (slightly) slower.
See also: rem_parts!
— MethodRemove parts from a C-set.
The parts must be supplied in sorted order, without duplicates.
See also: rem_part!
— FunctionMutate subpart of a part in a C-set.
Both single and vectorized assignment are supported.
See also: set_subparts!
— MethodMutate subparts of a part in a C-set.
Both single and vectorized assignment are supported.
See also: set_subpart!
— FunctionGet subpart of part in acset.
Both single and vectorized access are supported, with a view of the underlying data being returned in the latter case. Chaining, or composition, of subparts is also supported. For example, given a vertex-attributed graph g
subpart(g, e, [:src, :vattr])
returns the vertex attribute of the source vertex of the edge e
. As a shorthand, subparts can also be accessed by indexing:
g[e, :src] == subpart(g, e, :src)
If the chaining of subparts is given as a tuple (e.g.; (:src, :vattr)), then code generation is used to check that the subparts and their order is a valid composition and to improve performance.
Be warned that indexing with lists of subparts works just like subpart
: g[e,[:src,:vattr]]
is equivalent to subpart(g, e, [:src,:vattr])
. This convention differs from DataFrames but note that the alternative interpretation of [:src,:vattr]
as two independent columns does not even make sense, since they have different domains (belong to different tables).
— FunctionGet the type assigned to a subpart in an acset, i.e.
subpart_type(acs::WeightedGraph{T}, :weight) == T
— FunctionGet a named tuple of Tables.jl-compatible tables from an acset
— FunctionGiven a hom, find which parts in its domain are undefined.
— MacroThis provides a shorthand for constructing an acset by giving its parts and subparts
@acset WeightedGraph{String} begin V = 2 E = 1 src = [1] tgt = [2] weight = ["fig"] end
— ModuleSerializing and deserializing acsets to/from different formats.
— FunctionACSets.ACSetSerialization.read_acset
— MethodRead/deserialize an acset from an external source.
Supported source types include:
: assumed to be JSON dataXLSX.XLSXFile
: Microsoft Excel file (requires XLSX.jl)
: constructor for acset, e.g., the type of a struct acsetsource
: source to read from
— TypeMaps from attribute variables can go into arbitrary Julia types or other variables (indexed by integers). This wrapper types allows us to not confuse our Attr Variable indices with the Julia type of Int
— TypeA column for a vec-backed unindexed attr
— TypeA column for a vec-backed unindexed hom
— TypeA column for a vec-backed indexed attr
— TypeA column for a vec-backed indexed hom
— TypeA column for a vec-backed unindexed attr
— TypeA column for a vec-backed injective hom
— TypeA column for a dict-backed unindexed hom with key type K
— TypeA column for a dict-backed unindexed hom with key type K
— TypeA column for a dict-backed indexed hom with key type K
— TypeA column for a dict-backed indexed hom with key type K
— TypeA column for a dict-backed injective hom with key type K
— TypeA column for a dict-backed injective hom with key type K
— MethodConvert specification of indexing via lists of indexed and unique_indexed morphisms into a specific enum choice.
— TypeA column wraps a mapping and a cache of its preimages, and provides methods that do coordinated updates of both.
Abstract Fields:
- m::Mapping{S,T}
- pc::PreimageCache{S,T}
— TypeThis is a hack in order to pass in a default initializer for DefaultVecMap
as a type parameter
— ModuleThese are ACSets where the set associated to each object is of the form 1:n
— TypeThis works the same as something made with @acset_type
, only the types of the parts and subparts are stored as type parameters. Thus, this can be used with any schema.
— TypeParts IDs are a subset of contiguous integers from 1 to n.
— TypeThis is a SimpleACSet which has the schema as a field value rather than as a type parameter.
— MethodCast StructACSet into a DynamicACSet
— TypePart IDs are contiguous integers from 1 to n.
— TypeA SimpleACSet
is an abstract type for any acset that has a certain layout
Specifically, subtypes of SimpleACSet
are expected to have a parts
field which is a mapping from symbols to ints, and a subparts
field which is a mapping from symbols to columns, which are any data structure that satisfies the interface given in Columns.jl.
— TypeA StructACSet
is a SimpleACSet where the schema and the types assigned to the attrtypes are available in the type.
— MethodCast DynamicACSet into a StructACSet
— TypeA special case where there are no attributes.
— MethodReindex the parts of the acset such that there are no gaps between the indices. Return a vector for each part mapping the new parts into the old parts.
— MethodCalling incident on a range of values, e.g. incident(G, 1:2, :src)
is equivalent to concatenating the results of incident on each part, i.e. [incident(G,1,:src), incident(G,2,:src)]
— MethodThis takes an ACSet type, and produces an AnonACSet which represents an acset with just the object passed in, and then all of the attributes of that object.
TODO: rename this to be less confusing with ACSetTable. Maybe ASet (attributed set)
— MethodThis can be used to fill out the type parameters to an AnonACSet ahead of time.
— MethodReturn a mapping of from parts of updated X to the old X
Note: the correctness is dependent on the implementation details of rem_parts!
— MethodIdentify which parts of an ACSet need to be deleted if some initial collection of parts is to be deleted. E.g. deleting a vertex deletes its edge
— MethodThe type variables that we have generated might not match up with the type variables that are created as generic parameters to the struct acset, this is a way of making the two line up
— MethodGet index of row in parent acset.
Given an ACSetRow
object from the Tables.jl interface, return the ID of the correspond part in the parent acset the row was derived from.
— MethodCreates a named tuple type
— MethodCreates a quoted element of a named tuple
— MethodCreate the struct declaration for a StructACSet
from a Presentation
— MethodGet parent acset.
Given a ACSetTable
or ACSetRow
object from the Tables.jl interface, return the parent acset the object was derived from.
— MacroWe want control over the type class hierarchy of acsets; this allows us to create abstract types that subtype StructACSet. For instance, we might have an AbstractGraph
type, and then assume (this is not enforced) that any subtype of AbstractGraph
has E,V,src,tgt
in its schema.
— MacroThis macro creates custom structs that subclass StructACSet{S}
for specific S
. These are used for acsets whose schema is known at compile time.
— ModuleRead acsets from Microsoft Excel files.
— MethodRead acset from an Excel (.xlsx) file.
This is a convenience function that loads the Excel file and then calls read_acset
. To use this function, the package XLSX.jl must be installed and imported.
: constructor for acset, e.g., the acset type for struct acsetssource
: filename or IO stream from which to read Excel filetables=(;)
: dictionary or named tuple mapping object names in acset schema to Excel table specifications
— MethodDelete one occurrence of value from sorted vector, if present.
Returns whether an occurence was found and deleted.
— MethodInsert into sorted vector, preserving the sorting.
— TypeA specification for the type of an acset.
genericname::Union{Symbol, Nothing}
: The name for the generic version of the acset, with type parameters.Note that the name assigned to this in the declaration is the name with type parameters pre-specified.
If there are no attribute types, then this is nothing.
abstract_type::Union{Symbol, Nothing}
: The parent abstract type for the acset.schemaname::Symbol
schema::TypedSchema{Symbol, InterType}
— TypeAn abstract acset type which ACSets can subtype. Mostly used for backwards compatibility with AlgebraicJulia code.
— TypeAn alias for an existing type
— TypeA field of a struct. Used in Variant
and Record
The T
parameter will always be InterType
, but this is mutually-recursive with InterType
so we have to be generic here.
— TypeAn intertype expression representing a type.
TODO: Generic types TODO: Remove anonymous sums, anonymous products TODO: Separate out primitives, so that this is something like
@data InterType begin
TypeApp(type::InterType, args::Vector{InterType})
— TypeAn intertype declaration.
Does not include the name of the declaration.
— TypeA collection of intertype declarations packaged together. May refer to other InterTypeModules via the imports
— TypeJSONTarget
Specifies a serialization target of JSON Schema when generating a module.
TODO: This should really be called something like JSONSchemaTarget.
— TypeJacksonTarget
Targets the creation of a directory full of .java
files that use the Jackson JSON library.
— TypeAn acset type, with customizations like choice of indices, etc.
— TypePydanticTarget
Targets the creation of .py
files that use the Pydantic library which enables integration with the Python language (specifically when (de)serializing JSON).
— TypeA non-empty linked list of symbols representing something like
— TypeE.g.
— TypeA very simple s-expression data structure.
We use this to write the intertype schema to a string and then hash it to get a version identifier.
— TypeA schema for acsets. Does not declare the acset type yet, however, that is done by NamedACSetType
— TypeA struct type, also known as a product type or record type.
— TypeA sum type, also known as a tagged union.
— TypeOne of the summands of a sum type.
Like Field
, the T
parameter will always be InterType
, but this is mutually-recursive with InterType
so we have to be generic here.
— TypeA variant of a sum type, i.e. one of the summands. These are implicitly produced when declaring a sum type, and the data of the variant (i.e. the fields) are in the parent sum type.
— Functiongenerate_module(mod::Module, target::Type{<:ExportTarget}, path="."; target_specific_args...)
Generate files that define the intertypes for the specified target.
— Methodtojsonschema(type::InterType)
Convert an InterType to a JSONSchema representation.
TODO: We could use multiple dispatch instead of the @match
here, which might be cleaner
— Methodtopy(intertype::InterType; forward_ref=true)
Converts an intertype into a python code string.
TODO: See comment for toexpr
TODO: Should we use something like a stringbuilder instead of manually concatenating strings? I.e., a tree of strings with O(1) append/splice, that we write out to a single string at the end?
— Functionfunction toexpr(x) end
Used to convert intertype data types to Expr
TODO: Should we unify tojsonschema
, toexpr
, and topy
into a single function with an extra argument to control dispatch?
— Macro@intertypes "" module modulename end
Used to import an intertypes file into Julia.
TODO: maybe we should just build a .jl file from an .it file directly.
— ModuleJSON serialization of acsets and acset schemas.
— MethodReturns the JSON schema for the JSON serialization of ACSet schemas.
The result is a JSON-able object (dictionary) from which a JSONSchema.Schema
can be constructed, using the package JSONSchema.jl.
— MethodGenerate JSON-able object representing an ACSet.
Inverse to parse_json_acset
— MethodGenerate JSON-able object representing an ACSet schema.
Given an ACSet schema (either a Schema
or a Presentation
), such as SchGraph
or SchWeightedGraph
, construct a JSON-able dictionary with keys "Ob", "Hom", "AttrType", and "Attr", conforming to the JSON Schema in acset_schema_json_schema
Inverse to parse_json_acset_schema
— MethodParse JSON-able object or JSON string representing an ACSet.
Inverse to generate_json_acset
— MethodParse JSON-able object or JSON string representing an ACSet schema.
Given a JSON object specifying a presentation of an ACSet schema, construct a schema object: either a Schema
or, by default, a Presentation
Inverse to generate_json_acset_schema
— MethodDeserialize an ACSet object from a JSON file.
Inverse to write_json_acset
— MethodDeserialize ACSet schema from JSON file.
Similar to parse_json_acset_schema
except reads from a file. Inverse to write_json_acset_schema
— MethodSerialize an ACSet object to a JSON file.
Inverse to read_json_acset
— MethodSerialize ACSet schema to JSON file.
Similar to generate_json_acset_schema
except writes to a file. Inverse to read_json_acset_schema
— MethodDispatch for ACSet
Dispatches write to accept ACSets
— TypeA mapping is essentially an AbstractDict, but we support a couple more methods, like map
, and so in order to not do type piracy we make our own abstract type to define methods on. Additionally, access to undefined indices will return nothing rather than erroring; this means that a Mapping{K,Nothing} will behave as if everything is undefined. Don't do this.
— ModuleCompute automorphism group via nauty.c
— TypeNautyResults must satisfy the following interface
- strhsh: string value representing the isomorphism class
- orbits: partitions of Cset parts into orbits e.g. if E#2 = E#5, then these two elements are symmetric
- generators: generating automorphisms of the automorphism group
- ngroup: number of elements in the automorphism group
- canonmap: isomorphism from the input into the canonoical isomorph
- canon: canonical isomorph (codom of
— MethodCSetNautyRes for an empty ACSet
— TypeData structure for simple undirected graph.
— MethodTake advantage of the very special structure of automorphism generators given by nauty to efficiently enumerate the automorphism group. We iteratively expand our automorphism group with each generator. A while
loop explores the possible words that we can built (starting with gₙ₊₁)
— MethodAction of a permutation on a ACSet, X. Results in a new ACSet, Y, and a map X->Y
— MethodGet all attribute values that are touched upon by the ACSet. Order them.
— FunctionCompute CSetNautyRes from an ACSet.
— MethodList of distinct node types in the undigraph representation of an ACSet
— MethodConstruct input for dreadnaut to compute automorphism group generators, canonical permutation/hash, and orbits.
Note the Julia colorsarray must be changed from being 1-indexed to 0-indexed.
Dreadnaut parameters:
n - # of vertices g - provide input graph via command line rather than via a file f - use an initial partition of the vertices in the undirected graph c - find a canonical graph b - write out a canonical graph x - run nauty z - make a canonical hash o - write out the orbits
— MethodConvert symmetric adjacency matrix to an ACSet which is isomorphic to X
The main work is reverse-engineering triangles of the form
↗ src′ₙ
↙ ↕
eₙ <-> srcₙ <-> vₘ
into hom values for the resulting ACSet. We call srcₙ a "hom-object" and src′ₙ a "pseudo-hom-object". eₙ is the "src ind" and vₘ is the "tgt ind"
— MethodSpecify for nauty input what the initial partition is
— MethodCreate partition of flattened indices (all parts altogether) to dict with indices for each distinct object, e.g.:
{V => 1:8, E => 9:13, src => 14:18, tgt => 19:23, src... => 24:28, tgt... => 29:33, weight => 34:38}
— MethodParse / postprocess orbits from the end of dreadnaut input
— MethodParse nauty stdout text
— MethodAvoid a name conflict with a user-defined ob or hom
— MethodConvert an all-parts permutation into a symbol-indexed set of permutations, given a partition of 1:n_total into ranges for each symbol.
— MethodConvert C-Set to an adjacency matrix of an undirected simple graph.
the matrix has rows for all parts (e.g. |E| and |V|), all homs (e.g. |E| quantity of src & tgt nodes), and another copy of all homs (called, e.g., _src and _tgt). For a given edge in the category of elements eₙ – srcₙ –> vₘ, we set edges in the simple diagraph:
↗ _srcₙ
↙ ↕
eₙ <-> srcₙ <-> vₘ
For attributes, there is no possibility of Attr(X,X), so we simply have, e.g.: eₘ <-> weightₘ <-> Numberₙ
— TypeAn preimage mapping for injective maps.
— TypeA PreimageCache
is a cache of the preimage of a Mapping
. Many of the methods for PreimageCache
take in a Mapping
; this is so that PreimageCache
can choose how much to cache. That is, PreimageCache
could be a unit type, and simply dynamically compute the preimage mapping on demand, or it could store the full preimage mapping, or perhaps something in between.
Just like a Mapping
, an PreimageCache
has a definable codomain, which is a subset of T
. Calling add_mapping!
and remove_mapping!
on elements out of this definable codomain will error.
However, a PreimageCache
is always defined on all of its definable codomain; it defaults to the empty set.
also has a notion of "stored" codomain, where preimages are actually stored. It is only when the preimage is stored that referential equality of preimage sets will be preserved, and additionally storage can have performance implications.
s should support the following functions:
— TypeAn preimage mapping that works by storing the preimages directly. Note: the storage should be a storage that defaults to making empty preimages when expanded or queried out of band, so for instance DefaultVecMap{Preimage, DefaultEmpty{Preimage}}
— TypeThe trivial preimage mapping. It just computes preimages on the fly, and the operations for updating it are noops
— FunctionArguments:
- i::PreimageCache{S,T}
- y::T
- x::S
Add x
to the preimage of y
— FunctionArguments:
- dom::Iterable{S}
- m::Mapping{S,T}
- i::PreimageCache{S,T}
- y::T
Returns an iterable of the values in the domain that map onto y
— MethodArguments:
- dom::Iterable{S}
- m::Mapping{S,T}
- i::PreimageCache{S,T}
- ys::Iterable{T}
Semantically, this is the same as mapping preimage
over ys
, but the implementation might choose to use a view of an internal data structure of the index instead.
— FunctionArguments:
- i::PreimageCache{S,T}
- y::T
- x::S
Remove x
from the preimage of y
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
Named Parameters:
- just_names::Bool=false
- from::Any = nothing
- to::Any = nothing
Same deal as homs
, but for homs and attributes.
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
Named Parameters:
- just_names::Bool=false
- from::Any = nothing
- to::Any = nothing
Same deal as homs
, but for attributes.
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
Returns an iterable of the names of the attrtypes for this schema.
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
Named Parameters:
- just_names::Bool=false
- from::Any = nothing
- to::Any = nothing
Defaults to returning an iterable of tuples (f,x,y)
where f
is the name of a homomorphism and x
and y
are its domain and codomain respectively.
If just_names
is true, then it just returns the f
If from
is not nothing then it should be either an object or an iterable of objects; this then filters to only morphisms that have domain in from
. Mutatis mutandis for to
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
Returns an iterable of the names of the objects for this schema.
— FunctionReturns objects and attrtypes.
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
- f::Name
Named Parameters:
- from::Any = nothing
Same deal as dom
, but for codomains.
— FunctionParameters:
- s::Schema{Name}
- f::Name
Named Parameters:
- to::Any = nothing
If to
is nothing, then this returns the domain of the unique morphism with name f
, and errors otherwise. If to
is not nothing, then it should be either an object/attrtype or an iterable of objects/attrtypes, and this should return the domain of the unique morphism with codomain in to